Cleaner App with Kodular

What is the name of your app? B cleaner

Describe your app:With B-Cleaner Schnell​:zap: & Simpel​:v: Junk, Cache & Temporary Clean Files :wastebasket::iphone:

Keep your smartphone clean with B-Cleaner Schnell & Simpel

FunktionenMain functions of B-Cleaner

:floppy_disk: Memory release
B-Cleaner helps you quickly & simply unnecessary, cached & remaining
Clean files so that your smartphone runs quickly and smoothly. thanks to
Professional cleaners can easily remove App Cache
become as well as junk, cache
& Temporary files.

● erDevice information
If you have everything at a glance, you will receive information about the storage status of your

:wastebasket:Deep adjustment
With the deep cleanup unnecessary files
remove safely.

:wastebasket:Junk remover
Analyze & removes junk files safely & quickly, which your system memory &
Occupy RAM.

:v:Light condition
B-Cleaner is kept simple and simple so that you can find your way around quickly.

B-Cleaner supports more than 93 languages


App Store/Download link:

AIA file (Optional)


Made with Appybuilder?


When you have uploaded your app to Google Play and want to update it when you have edited it with Kodular, you have to use the same packagename else it won’t work. I have also an app on Google Play that has Thunkable in the packagename, but was build with Kodular.


Fantastic app


yes i created with appy builder

So it is not a remake in Kodular? I thought it was. :crazy_face:


Don’t worry kodular is the best.


How this app detection work

Which Extention do you use.

if we are not complete the cleaning till 100% then this bugs show Please resolve this

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Where is aia

There is no aia , this project isn’t open source:thinking:

How can I make this with kodular?

It was made with appybuilder ,but i think you can make it with kodular of course !

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Which aix, i didn’t say anything about aix, any way : This topic isn’t about how to make cleaner app

Is not a app help us to clean files?:thinking:

Continuing the discussion from Cleaner App with Kodular:


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