Click Exit button error

I did the QR scanner application. The application works just fine. But when I click on the exit button I get an error.


i can’t understand app notifier language

its ur blocks problem show some blocks


save ur app and install it again

I’ve tried. The problem sometimes arises.

It’s because you aren’t switching screens correctly. Check out this topics:


Thank you.

Is it worked? If yes, don’t forget to mark @Shreyash’s post as solution. :slightly_smiling_face: So everyone can know what you did for fix that problem.


it didn’t work. I also tried those blocks. It has never been.:grinning:
@yusufcihan bir türlü çözemedim.:joy:

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Yeni bir projede aynı blokları kullanıp deneyebilir misin?

Can you try with same blocks in new project?

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Okay, I found the problem. A problem with Screen2. Screen2 is still a problem because it continues. Thank you to everyone. Blocks made this shape.


Hata varsa bildirin. Report any errors.

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