"Close Screen" eagle bug

Please write a list with all used components from the apk which crashs after the button click

Side menu is working and not the crash creator.

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CrashInScreen.aia (24.0 KB)

I am sending my .aia from this apk …

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Did the aia help?

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it is working. I’m saying that if i remove the side menu from my app, the crashes stops.

We should have fixed the bug for next bug fix release which is soon


It’s ok. But this bug is not yet in the topic of @Diego about version 1.4.1!

It’s the ArchTaskExecutor one


Oh sorry. I read it now!

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Any predictions about the release of version 1.4.1?

Very soon probably
As soon as we fix some more critical bugs it will be live


When will the update be available?

I still have it in version 1.4.0

Have we anywhere announced that we released a bug fix release? NO

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Please use the bug tracker topic to view progress on your issue