Cloud DB - Help

How do you find the Sever Token and the Redis Sever, I have the port and all I need are those 2 things

Dear Nathan did you found a work around. Can you share how to get the other things.

Have you read the App Inventor documentation?

We don’t provide a server for you to use so you’ll need to run your own. You can create your own server using Redis.

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a small clarification, IS Cloud db and cloudinary db is the same ?

If not suggest me a way to upload the images.

No, they are different things. The CloudDB component was created by the MIT App Inventor team and some of its students.

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Do you have any idea what is way to save images in cloud. Cause no cloudinary component in new version.

Because of superb features in new version. I migrated from thinkable and build a entire app in makeroid. Only things bothering me is cloudinary. Anyway extensions bug will be removed shortly.

I’ve created a Cloudinary component today and it’ll be available in the next components release (I hope you don’t mind waiting a few weeks)

Yep, that should be fixed now.


Did you found answer?

I don’t use the component. Never will, never have.

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which component can we use in kodular as cloud db

There is an Alternative
Firebase Database

no if one person saves anything in firebase database, then it will be saved in everyone’s phone ! i need clouddb

CloudDb is a cloud database, which means, that all devices can access your cloudDB through your app, if you want the data to be saved in then user’s device only you can use tinyDb as a local database.

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In order to get clouddb components you must enable experimental components from creator’s settings

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Uploading: Capture.JPG…
where have you got experimental cloud db here?

Where’s the image? It’s been uploading for 3 hours :raised_hand:t2::roll_eyes: