In the designer it looks like in the textbox but when i use the convert in to Hex block and want to convert the integer to hex it displays the transparant bit in the front instead of the back.
And when i use the convert hex to int block it expects # in front of the hex.
So i guess it should be one way or the other. FF in front or FF in the back. This way it is confusing, at least to me.
There exist few possible hex values for the same thing.
As you know the ‘FF’ in this case is the value for alpha.
Not sure why app inventor uses a other type of hex values.
Same for the color picker by vishwas.
(I still dont understand why we dont use the correct type for hex numbers…)
I created the component and I choosed the (correct <- for me) way.
Because in almost all other places in the world you can find the first two letters of a hex value are for the alpha of a color.