I face the problem of losing connection with companion, last days.
When connecting to companion all runs well. Then I modify a piece of code in blocks tab. When selecting Test | Refresh Companion Screen from menu to reload the project, connection is lost and app is closed.
Is this due to a bug after last update? Companion app in my phone doesn’t seem to need any update.
Indeed. When I tried another project without SideMenu1 (see yellows) no problem appeared.
Clicking “Refresh Companion Screen” with such component, there is disconnection.
Thank you for your efforts.
Pls find a test .aia file.
I also noticed that clicking Refresh Companion Screen without any change in blocks, all goes well. If a modification had been made, it closes. Basketaki3x3_test.aia (1.0 MB)
@bodymindpower this is a known bug with latest release when custom colors are used in project. In order to avoid it, you have to edit aia and delete projectColors before upload it to creator. Try this one Basketaki3x3_test.aia (1.0 MB)
As for @nikif99 problem, I faced no problem with companion. Works fine with me, tested on Chrome
Working on another project, containing proc SetColors (even with alpha param), without SideMenu, no problem of disconnecting at all. Hint of @SurinderMx seems the most reasonable.
Indeed. It goes fine for me too.
BTW I noticed the change in the name of the comp from SideMenu to Side_Menu_Layout. Suppose something is fixed. Thanks to all.