Compare dates gives error

Actually the problem is, not fault in the extension… This extension is started to function before the Firebase got value event store the value as input into this extension

On button click function there is no such error. Because already dates are available as handy

So cause of the error is due to time factor. So if users are using this extension inside any event, kindly use one clock, so that you can avoid such error.

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Oooo Thank You So Much I Tried My Best To Solve The Issue But It Was Working Properly Only the problem was that is was showing the error

It doesn’t necessarily need to be in that order, but both the “start date” and “end date” need to have the same format.

This error is due to the lack of information when making the comparison. Probably the data is not entered before doing the check which is why this happens.

Maybe this week or next week I will update the extension and add an error function.

And many thanks @dora_paz and @Still-learning for helping @AKG solve the problem. :star_struck: :star_struck:

Sorry for the delay, I was at work and I don’t have a cell phone at the moment :sleepy:


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