Compile AAB manually

Check the extensions used, it is not a problem related to the compilation



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yes maybe still fix, they are probably working hard right now, they are professionals, you don’t need to be afraid, the time will come…now just wait ok

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Great! it worked for me :relaxed:

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3 posts were split to a new topic: How to compile aab offline

Thank you so much, works fine and I already updated one of my apps on playstore.

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Thanks Gaston, works for me when uploaded to Playstore!

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Why google play still countdown 8days remain to fix sdk error ?

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I did all the steps correctly, but I always get this error
Can you help solve it urgently? I need an app update urgently before 10/27/2023 :slightly_frowning_face:

Thanks for the tool!
Unfortunately, after comleting the process te system tells me it couldn’t open the app when I try to install the newly-created .aab - do you have any idea why? I also need to update my app till the 31st… :frowning:

and what is the console message? Have you already checked the extensions that are updated?

Why you want to install the “abb” file? Just install the apk file from Kodular. The abb is only to upload in the playstore.

my apk 20mb become 32 mb aab… is that normal?

Yes it’s correct

are my app become 32mb if user instal on playstore

the same problem, please help me.

try aab instaler on playstore

which App?

ok it resolved by change language to English

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