Compile AAB manually

try aab instaler on playstore

which App?

ok it resolved by change language to English

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Obrigado!!!,deu certo aqui pra mim já atualizei o aplicativo na play store!!!

Google Auth Firebase doesn’t work with this method

Please refer the above for manually signing app Bundle on Windows.

Usual method inflates file size of AAB, In contrast does the above method shrink app bundle size? The above method is using BundleTool and is for Windows only I guess. Please read the instructions and suggest if modifications needed.

Why do we have to go to external apps to convert something when kodular should do it?

So is this Apk to AAB Converter mobile app safe?

Yes safe.
I have already publish 3 app. One approved other two in review.

Sorry, but you haven’t read or you didn’t pay enough attention since you didn’t understand anything.
You have to be sure before defaming

Defame? It is a serious accusation, what I have said is that we cannot compile the aab file, which does not allow us to upload our apps to Google Play. I interpret that because of your accusation towards me, you must have extensive knowledge and the solution, can you share it? 1) how do we compile the aab with Kodular? It is assumed that those of us who use Kodular do not have knowledge of code programming and we are at the expense of what Kodular offers us

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I think you are mixing things, one thing is kodular and another is the suggested app to convert apk to abb, which by the way is free, follow the guide and it will be very easy for you

Are you using onesignal?

No, only Firebase Auth and Storage, but the Google Login doesn’t work when upload on Google console.

put sha key firebase on console key…try search

What is the actual name of this app on GP?

Oh tks, i will export google console SHA-1 to Firebase and works!

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Please, if this suggestion worked, mark it as a solution.

Next time make sure you do things correctly before judging, as you may demotivate others or create confusion.

The app to convert apk to abb is not free, you have to pay 1.67 dollars