Compile .apk error/admob

Hi guys!
I need some help with this error:

**Kodular is unable to compile this project.**
**The compiler error output was**
**________Preparing application icon**
**________Creating animation xml**
**________Creating fragment xml**
**________Creating listview xml in res/layout/..**
**________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/..**
**________Creating xml in res/drawable/..**
**________Creating splash png in res/drawable/..**
**________Creating colors xml**
**________Creating styles xml**
**________Creating drawables xml v21**
**________Checking for firebase**
**________Creating provider_path xml**
**________Creating network_security_config xml**
**________Generating adaptive icon file**
**________Generating round adaptive icon file**
**________Generating adaptive icon background file**
**________Generating manifest file**

Reading old topics about this error, they say it should be the old AdMob assets.
I’ve checked for AdMob banners and something is strange. I see no Google AdMob Banner/Interstitial assets.
Seems like we can’t use Google’s components for ADS anymore… am I wrong?
Thank you!

Which extension are you using? Any link?

Ok, duplicated project, deleted old AdMob assets and the project compiled.
So the problem was there.

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