Hi coders, I made an application with google sheet as a database.
The user is asked to connect with his name and registration number already registered in the database and which I provided to him. If the name and registration number are correct, another Screen opens and displays the desired data in labels (Example: his photo, his name, note1, note2).
Screen 1 consists of two TextBoxes and a Button.
Screen 2 consists of image and labels.
How to code this. Who can help me?
You can search in the Kodular community. There are countless posts that talk about this issue. For example, this one
Or another one,
I always recomemded to looking for in the community.
I’m starting programming: I’m still a beginner.
I’ve already done the project with “FireBase” and I’m doing it again with “Google Sheet”.
Here is the code I used in the “login” screen:
and this is the code used in the “note” screen (screen 2) which displays the student’s notes.
I want the same job but with “Google sheet” this time on a practical level: blocks of code.
If there is a tutorial or someone can help me to do the code, I will be grateful.
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