Connection to airtable

Hello everyone,
on AIRTABLE since the switch to tokens, I no longer know how to connect to my database (this one is simple because it is a test).
when I ask for a cell, I don’t get an answer.
Thank you in advance for your help.

just replace api with token successfull​:handshake:


Thank you for your reply,
I already have a token instead of the API.
It does not work…

Thank you for your reply,
I already tried to change the name, it doesn’t work.
It does not work…


I did this column name replacement. I started another database to see if there was a bug).
it still doesn’t work.

I see many things that I think are wrong, in the name of the Tableau 1 table there is a space, in the permissions/tokens your DB is not there.

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Hello and thank you again for taking the time to address my problem.
If you’ll take a look, I made several screenshots (sorry for the quantity!) because it still doesn’t work.
(I replaced the name of the base and table by their ID because AIRTABLE says it is the same, and this avoids AIRTABLE translation errors)
Thank you very much in advance…

in my case just replaced api key with token my problem solved :handshake:

My problem also came from the fact that AIRTABLE often translates into English the name of the columns, or the name of the views, which I wrote in French.
So I now name in English or with untranslatable letters.

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To avoid these inconveniences and by default, the English language is always used.

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