Consent functionality not working properly

Describe your issue

Consent message isn’t working as supposed to (for admob banner, didn’t check other options).
Consent message is just copy-pasted consent title.
Using blocks set.admob_banner.consent message to … also not working.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. go to properties of admob banner,
  2. set consent title as “aaa”, consent message as “bbb”,
  3. effect: window with consent shows title “aaa” (OK) and message “aaa” (NOT OK, should be “bbb”).

Expected Behaviour

Consent title and message display as set in properties or set in block mode.

Actual Behaviour

Consent message is just copy of consent title.

PS. when consent message and title are left as default or deleted - default message is showing.
PPS. Is it possible to remove makeroid logo from consent message?

If you set your own app icon (Logo) you will see yours.
It looks like you have not used any icon and use only default.
In the rest I will look into it.

you are right about app icon, just checked it, thanks.
Waiting for the solution for consent message (for properties and block)…

I will let you know when I know more about the bug.
Thanks for letting us know.

After I looked one minute into the code I have found the bug.
It was a typo.
Should be fixed in next bug fix release.

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Hi, fix is working, thank you.

PS. info for people who don’t know how to make line feed in consent component: just use html “<br>” tag instead of “\n”.

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