Copy screen error

i got this error when i try to copy screen

Save your Project, then refresh and try copying again.

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doesn’t work :sweat:

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PM me your AIA, please.

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Did I fix your problem?

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this fix for mine but need a fix for public so that anyone can copy


I don’t think that’s the case… You project so far is the only one that can’t copy screens, all of my projects can, some reason yours can’t.

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Anyone all my projects cannot be copy. I have same problem.

Maybe is browser problem. I use Chrome.

Problem still in Opera.

@Makeroid, while I am here. May I ask why you added the Copy Screen feature, when youre literally Copying a screen and not making something new? I’m not pushing to remove it, it’s just a question.

Quick prototyping. You can have many similar but not quite the same screens.

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Did Any One Find a solution for this problem… even I am facing the same…

The feature has been temporarily removed due to bugs.


copying screen system is still now working., any idea when it will be back ?

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oh i see. fingers crosssed

This feature has been fixed and has been available for months.


I have same problem
Tell me plz what to do…???

Not working

Conor is already explained that.

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same error i m also finding now also