Couldn't gather components from schema, reason: gnu.math.IntNum cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I want make custom list view card using dynamic component but there is error Couldn’t gather components from schema, reason: gnu.math.IntNum cannot be cast to java.lang.String

here the schema

  "name": "Generated Templated",
  "metadata-version": 1,
  "author": "Schema Listview generator tool",
  "platforms": [
    "App Inventor",
    "keys": [
  "components": [
      "id": "Card_View1{id}",
      "type": "MakeroidCardView",
      "properties": {
        "ContentPaddingBottom": 0,
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          "id": "HA{id}",
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          "properties": {
            "AlignHorizontal": 3,
            "AlignVertical": 2,
            "Height": -2,
            "Width": -2
          "components": [
              "id": "Space1{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Height": -2,
                "Width": -1002
              "id": "Image1{id}",
              "type": "Image",
              "properties": {
                "Height": 40,
                "Width": 40,
                "Picture": "depositphotos_70164997-stock-illustration-businessman-on-que-in-cafeteria.jpg"
              "id": "Space2{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Height": -2,
                "Width": -1002
              "id": "Vertical_Arrangement1{id}",
              "type": "VerticalArrangement",
              "properties": {
                "AlignHorizontal": 3,
                "Height": -2,
                "Width": -2
              "components": [
                  "id": "Label1{id}",
                  "type": "Label",
                  "properties": {
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                    "FontSize": 16,
                    "Text": "title"
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                  "type": "Label",
                  "properties": {
                    "Height": -2,
                    "Text": "subtitle"
              "id": "Space3{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Height": -2,
                "Width": -1002
              "id": "Label3{id}",
              "type": "Label",
              "properties": {
                "FontSize": 40,
                "FontTypeface": 7,
                "Text": "chevron_right",
                "TextAlignment": 1
              "id": "Space4{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Height": -2,
                "Width": -1002
      "id": "Horizontal_Arrangement2{id}",
      "type": "HorizontalArrangement",
      "properties": {
        "Height": 2,
        "Width": -2