Create a comment or a message (procedure)

Create a comment or a message (procedure)

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to show you how to create a post or comment with just one procedure. This is what it will look like :

To create this procedure, I used yusuf cihan’s extension Dynamic Component.

Step 1 : Add a Label and a Cardview (if there are already some in your project you can skip this step)
Capture d’écran 2022-04-17 à 18.14.28
Make sure the components are named “Label1” and “Card_view1”. You can set their visibility to false.

Step 2 : Download this photo and drag and drop in the Blocks section (don’t forget to import the extension)

How to use it?
You can download the aia file just here:
CreateComment.aia (40.9 KB)

Here an example of how to use it:
blocks (1)

location: put the layout where you want the comment to appear
pseudo: put the nickname of the person who wrote the message
comment: put the person’s message
date: put the date when the message was written
color: put the accent color (nickname color)

Hope this helps and saves you some time. If you have any problems, let me know in the comments.


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