Create a dynamic link in firebase that redirects the user to the app even if their default browser is different

Hello everyone!
I want to generate a dynamic link for my application that opens my applications main screen. What I want is that when I share the link through Whatsapp, even if their default browser is set to any other browser, I want to open the link directly into my app.
EDIT: I mean even if they enter the url into the browser they will be redirected into my app.

What are dynamic links??
Dynamic Links are deep links into an app that work whether or not users have installed the app yet. When users open a Dynamic Link into an app that is not installed, the app’s Play Store page opens, where users can install the app. After users install and open the app, the app displays the deep-linked content.

I have already generated a deep link but users can’t open the deep link in my application when shared with Whatsapp. It automatically takes them to their default browser. I got a solution that is Firebase dynamic links. In Firebase, there’s the following option:

How should I add my kodular app to firebase as it is asking for the following things:

I have the package name and nickname obviously, but where will I get the Debug Signing certificate SHA-1 as it is saying that it is important for dynamic links.
Also what changes will I have to make in Kodular? Is there any component or extension that I have to import into my app? If dynamic links with the behaviour to open links in the application is not possible with Kodular, is there any alternative that I can try which opens links sared with Whatsapp directly in my application? Please reply if there is any possible solution or alternative that I can try.

According to me, If you want to upload your apps, you can use Google Console because:

  1. It only costs USD 25 and you can add as many apps you want.
  2. But if you posted app on Firebase, then you will have a limit of around 10 GB downloads per month only. After that you have to pay for the services and its quite expensive too.
  3. Uploading an app on Play Store is much more easier, just upload the .aab file, thats it!
    :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The best thing you can do is that you can upload your app to the Google Drive (only if the app size is small) and share the link to your users. :+1:

I already have a Google Play Console account and have uploaded my app. I think you have misunderstood my question. I want to know how I can create a dynamic link that redirects users who installed my app directly to my app’s main screen instead of the pop-up ‘Open with’ which contains a list of different browsers (deep link).
Basically, I want to create a dynamic link from a deep link through firebase I am asking how I can do that.

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What is a dynamic link (for users who don’t know):

Dynamic Links are deep links into an app that work whether or not users have installed the app yet. When users open a Dynamic Link into an app that is not installed, the app’s Play Store page opens, where users can install the app. After users install and open the app, the app displays the deep-linked content