Create a link which entered in any browser redirects to your app

Is it possible to create a link which entered in any browser redirects users to my app’s main screen? What I want is to share a link with my users on a social media platform and when they tap it, even if the link opens in any browser the link should redirect to my app.

no i guess

This is for android studio (coding). How can I do it in my kodular app. Should I add the code in the XML file using APK editor??

i guess you can decompile the apk and as stated in the post of stack overflow you can add the code in the manifest

here is a guide by bodypowermind

How to customize the Manifest → example: Companion APK

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You got it…

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Yeah, I can do that but my app is published on the play store. As per the Play Store’s new policy, in order to update the app, I will have to upload an aab file. Apk files are no longer being accepted by play console. Any possible solution keeping in mind the policies of the Play store??

best possible solution to update app is stay patient till Kodular releases the api 30 update

and see this also

How will Kodular’s update solve my problem? Apk files are no longer accepted by play console. Presently, I can update my app though my targetsdk is not 29. I can also upload apk file temporarily (only till the last date given by play console), but after that I can only upload aab files. I want a permanent solution. Is it possible to edit the manifest.xml file of an aab file? I don’t think so.

it is not possible to decompile a aab only

i guess this problem of sdk 30 will be solved after the update

Then decompiling apk and adding the code to the androidmanifest.xml file won’t be a temporary solution

TargetSdk 30 is currently not my problem because I can still update my apps with lower sdks. My problem is decompiling the apk file and recompiling it will give an apk file which will be no longer accepted by Play console soon. I want a permanent solution to edit my xml file.

Apps that were published on the Play Store before Aug 1, 2021 can still be uploaded to the Play Store as APKs, even from Nov 2021.

Only apps released after Aug 1, 2021 must use AABs.

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I know, right. I have asked something else on this topic and everyone else is talking about targetSdk and Kodular update. Please answer my question…

Including yourself.

Already anwered by @Still-learning: deep linking

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I was replying to him as he was having some confusion regarding updating apps.

I have already created a deep link for my application. But when a user clicks on the link, it will show a pop-up that contains several apps and asks the user where to open the link. I want to know how I can redirect user to my app even if he opens the link with a default browser. I think the only possible solution is a dynamic link which is created with firebase. For that I will have to add my android app to firebase with additional inputs that I cannot see in Kodular. I am not familiar with firebase so please can anyone help me in setting up a dynamic link? Detailed question is here - Create a dynamic link in firebase that redirects the user to the app even if their default browser is different - #3 by MyShip