Create a list with text

Good evening! I’m trying to create a list. So far, it turned out just like that.
I would like the functionality to be: when clicked, the text appears depending on the selected category.
What can be done better tell me

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this one will give the required index upon clicking the list view

But remember here position will always starts from 0 so better add +1


using this place value, you can take required item from any list value

I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand what you mean. You can clearly show

I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand what you mean. You can clearly show

Just use the position block as the index for each of the lists:

In your case, use the position block like I have used the selection block above. Just do the same for all lists.


Or, since you are inputting the list items into the list view, have you tried this:

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Good afternoon! please take a look, this is my project. The bottom line is that I don’t like how the text is displayed when clicking on the section, I would like the display to be clear, and not on a semi-transparent screen
tests (1).aia (22.8 KB)

test this in case
tests(1).aia (22.8 KB)

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Thank you very much!, and how not to make the text appear on the whole screen?

In the vsa i have added space component top and bottom to the label, just remove it.

If you have chage the vsa background color, your issue will gone

VSA - VerticalScrollArrangement

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