Create Video Playlist Using Spreadsheet Airtable - Need Help Its very Difficult

I want to create a different Video Playlist for each category in Airtable Spreadsheet on Single Screen, that when someone clicks on a particular category Airtable Videos list of that appears so that I can categories the interview videos. I want to make a group for particular interviews.
So when anyone clicks on any category the particular video playlist opens in Colllintree and when he click on any column from the particular column on a particular category then the video opens on another screen getting the start value from that.

Example of Catergory like - Interview By Category – Aap Ke Sawal
This means I want a Group system in Airtable -

My data of Airtable right now -

I can arrange it in any form you suggest -

Blocks Using right now -
blocks (11)

Please help to find me the right solution

@Still-learning I explained it well right ? if not you can add additional note to explain my problem
@bodymindpower Can you help me, you are a genius

@dora_paz someone suggest that you can help in this matter.

@Yash_Agarwal All koders are here for helping others and you will also helped by someone please be patience
Stop tagging others in your post to get help


okay, i apologies

@Yash_Agarwal What is the problem then? Where are you stuck? Use companion and try to find where is the error…Use do it method…This might be the best option to find error by yourself and is the best practice…

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The block I posted here works completely fine, but these blocks are for Collintree list view of videos. I want another screen in which the videos are categorized. How to categorize videos using Collintree spreadsheet Airtable?

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I am not understanding your problem :frowning: Sorry for that…

Also you are providing the api key and base id in public. Consider changing the api key before someone snip your database and changes datas.

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Can you tell us in brief what is problem?

Sorry and thank you for reminding me that :pray:
Check this Url, I want a screen like that. When a user clicks on a particular image ( Category ) The database appears consisting of particular videos from Airtable. Just want the group system in Airtable, but don’t know how to execute that.

When I used to create these type of apps, I always used a normal logic.
Show categories in a list and after selection set Airtable’s Table Name according to that.Further blocks will be always same.


How can you please elaborate in brief ? and if possible can you post block ?

What I suggest you is, when the screen initialise first , as per the group(add new colum and add type the group in airtable in all row)filter the videos into different lists.

So if user clicks on any category (different lists are ready in your hand),design button or label, make that particular group list alone to visible in Collin tree and keep other colintree visible to false

I am not sure this is the correct method, but you can try like this. If anyother experts post suggestion that also can try

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