Creating a Trivia Quiz App

Is it possible to create a trivia app in Kodular with live game system?

I have created a trivia app and it’s going good but I want to know if this is possible or not

Live quiz ( Let’s say 7 PM) this is time I want all users to join and participate .

Is this Possible ?

Well, if you can get everyone to join the trivia game at a specific time then yeah it is possible.

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Okay But as you know , In Trivia apps 1000 of users join together.

So will the button work properly .Will it show 200 people answered the correct out of 500 and rest of users speculating the match.

you will need to have strong database like premium firebase


Thank you for you reply . I am using VPS for that .

Can you please tell about the above features?

Is VPS a database?

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Using xampp or something?


Connection via VPS is somewhat possible with SQL. Taifun has a tutorial for it but your server must be strong when using this method because you need to request every few seconds for “live” updates. Firebase will definitely be better for this stuff but you will need to pay.

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Here is all info

I have tried with firebase , yes it fast but the datas get full within couple of days , eventually cost more also faced lag in my app -_- .

Whereas currently I am using my VPS+SQL , Questions loads very fast and no lag but I am little worried about add live features , for example how many users are spectating the game , how many users are playing live .

If anyone has a github reference/ sample apk please let me know.

i prefer you to use clou firestore new databse system of firebase it is fast. i manage more than 30000 users at same time through this but you need paid plan for that.

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In the users table:

  1. Make a column for user game status (which game Id they are playing/is user playing game?)
    In app code:
  2. Use SQL WHERE command to request and filter out a specific game id.
  3. Convert CSV, count list and that would be the number of people in that particular status

Do that for both of them maybe 2 columns for spectator status and active game id… Remember that the app must reset the status after the game ends or activity state changed if not the result number will not be accurate.

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Thank you very much .
Yes I am working on this , that you have mentioned aboved

You are trying to make something like this …

Nice app but seems to be money making machine .

So many ads inside your app .

I was saying about something live .let’s say Trivia Loco live.

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its Trivia live based app

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I don’t see anything live here .

You have to get point and then .

Is there any timing when a game start ?

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How do you use Cloud Firestore in Kodular? There are no blocks for it at the moment :confused: Is there another way to use it right now?

yet not , available on any builder .
If you need an extension can be develop.
For more information, please pm me .

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