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Online Custom Invoice Generater
You can create customizable Invoice with this extension by google spread sheet
Add a picture of all the blocks
Write instructions to use your extension
Firts of all you need to go to your Google spread sheet and then create your desired pdf layout and leave that cells values blank that u want to change and then note the cell position
Like (Colum+row) like A24 cell…
then open script editer…
now download this script from Bottom or extension’s description and put in the google spread sheet script editor and deploy the script and copy script url …
Now all done…
Working of extension
On screen intialize we need to put spread sheet’s detail(script url, sheet id, sheet num, sheet name)…
Now use web component with passvalue value block to pass values to specific cell of spread sheet… And then use button or method to perform the action
Important note …
On Web got text event we need to set last text box like this to download/generate invoice automatically …
And you can set custom filename and folder name in which invoice save as pdf…
And now on download complete event u can view your invoice as pdf
All Done
I have created this invoice design for extension… But you can create as your choice…
Include a Download link here; can be direct or a link to your website/host
Custom_Invoice.aix (56.7 KB)
CustomInvoice.aia (114.4 KB)
Test apk
Custom Invoice.apk (5.5 MB)
script link
Working of app
November 2, 2022, 8:26pm
Thank you for your contribution…
It looks like you are not familiar with the naming conventions… see here
If you are developing an extension, then please follow the naming conventions, which is UpperCamelCase for the package name as well as for property, method and event names (i.e. the first letter should be a capital letter) and lowerCamelCase for parameter names, no underscores .
What does UpperCamelCase mean?
UpperCamelCase (part of CamelCase ) is a naming convention in which a name is formed of multiple words that are joined together as a single word with the first l…
Please update your extension accordingly and update the screenshots… thank you in advance
(Coding Never Lies..!)
November 3, 2022, 10:30am
Extension is good! But excel Template is non Professional…
1 Like
Its just a sample for extension…
U can edit/create as your choice
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@annaschawdhary157 Is it possible to insert device images in sheets?
1 Like
@Professional its extension caused " appbuilder stage error" in my project, unable to export Apk. Anyone else having the same problem that can help solve?
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(Annas chawdhary)
November 21, 2022, 11:54am
Working on kodular/Niotron builders…
November 21, 2022, 2:02pm
@Taifun The error is this extension here, I removed it from the project and it worked normally. Which is a shame because the extension is very useful.
1 Like
November 21, 2022, 2:16pm
Do you get the same issue if you build the example project from the first post in this thread?
Write a short description
Custom Invoice Generater
You can create customizable Invoice with this extension
Add a picture of all the blocks
Write instructions to use your extension
Firts of all you need to go to your Google spread sheet and then create your pdf layout and leave that cells values blank …
November 21, 2022, 4:16pm
the error persists
then it looks like it is time for the author of the extension @Professional to check
(Annas chawdhary)
November 22, 2022, 7:08am
check this aia…working or not?
In my side its working perfectly…
Kodular is better than other builders so i created this accroding to kodular builder…
1 Like
oops friend
for me it’s not working
I already changed everything and nothing running can help
February 3, 2023, 8:40pm
Did you try this?
What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?
(Annas chawdhary)
February 4, 2023, 12:36pm
I think u need to take a look on script editor… Download script from given link and follow post instructions…