CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

What about showing your blocks? It would be really helpful :blush:

I believe that the extension won’t show a pop up menu, when you long click on an image, etc…You need to build your own pop up menu :slightly_smiling_face:

what is the difference between a modified and a regular component?

please tell me what it means “modified.aix”
ХниПОк (1)

The Developer isn’t available here you can contact him through his website or AI2 community.

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Local html file not open…

How to fix please help me

Try this block to load html… :smiley::slightly_smiling_face:

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Not work for me

Load HTML block loads HTML page from source code while Go To URL block loads page from file.

Have you enabled FileAccess property else webview can’t access files.

Hi, I want to congrats on this extension, and I would like to ask a question about it how uses,
I have a laravel app which has a verified email registration, when I do click on the confirmation link, my app it opened, but I lost the rest of the path with their parameters.

I have to spend a lot of time trying to get the entire URL in my customwebview in order to confirm the email.

I would appreciate some help

see here


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2 posts were split to a new topic: App Inventor question

How put data and store inside html by clicking kodular button ?


Html code.

App screenshot

Facing an Issue Of Deeplinks
Like, Whenever I Click On Some Url My App Name Shows at The Bottom

I Don’t Want To Add My App while Opening Links
Also, I Have Unchecked Deeplinks In Properties.
Is there Anything I can edit?

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Hi, is there an Event after download ? Or is there a way to know when download is completed? Thanks to all

as it already has been said


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Show your blocks? What have you used in the CreateWebView contsiner parameter, it seems to be that you used a WebView instead of an Arrangement.

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does custom webview use google chrome?

how to use chrome with custom webview?

Since the author of the extension is back in community I opened post in order to post latest updates of the extension


Thank you :heart:

Latest Version(Stable) is v10.1 which can be found here:

A detailed changelog of all versions can be found here:

Also, beta version(v10.2) is here: