CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Have you made a webview active?


how to open whats app exertnal app with link

I am trying to open external app through customer webview but not open .

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How can I load url in given webview id without setting it as current webview? So that when a user swipes the any tab, they find the already loaded, of cause for interaction with the webview I have to set it as current webview.

Currently, I have to set each webview by id and load URL one by one.

Is setting webview active visible to user?

Yes active webview is visible to the use, the webviews are put in tabs. So basically I want all tabs to load their URLs while the first tab has the active/current webview id.

Thatā€™s not what I asked.
SetWebView block does not show any visual change. You can switch active webview without user letting know about it.

I feel you are not understanding.
The block Go To URL loads the specified URL in the current/active webview.
Here is the scenario, I have webviews ID=1, ID=2, ID=3. Webciew ID=1 is the current active URL, while it remains active, Iā€™d like to load new URLs in ID2 and ID3 in the background without switching the active webview.

In the beginning, the block Go To URL had 2 inputs URL and ID which were since depreciated.

Why do you want to avoid this?

Iā€™m not avoiding it. All I wanted to know was, is there a way I can load URL on other webview ids in the background while the user is interacting with the active webview in the foreground. If there is no way, st let me know.

It is definitely possible.
Iā€™ll be happy if you can sponsor this new feature.
Not mandatory though, but itā€™ll take some time then.

One day Iā€™ll surprise you with a ā€œcoffeeā€ :blush: donā€™t worry.

Hello, Mr. Sunny Gupta.
Your extension is awesome. Plz help me further:
I access a website then I saved that as ā€˜saveAchiveā€™(.mht file). It is saved under ASD folder. then how to access that file later. The webview requires Storage permission.I want to load .mht in your Extension-browser without storage permission Can I save that .mht-file in assets. If there is not another way I will ask for storage permission.
I am not expert in making apps. I need guide.
Thanks in advance

You donā€™t need storage permission to access files in asd.

The webpage was loaded and also .mht saved. But i cant load again in brower. Plz Look at blocks and find my mistake.

result is :

Set FileAccess property to true.

Thank you very much, it is working

Sorry for being late.
com.sunny.CustomWebView.aix (204.3 KB)

Added GoToUrl2 method :+1:

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