Daily Challenge #94

Hello every one :smile:
i noticed that the daily challenges has disappeared from the community this days :no_mouth:.So i thought about making my own daily challenge

Remove letters from list


Create a procedure that its input is a list of letters and a string.the procedure should remove the letters in the string from the list.And return the new list.


removeLetters(s t r i n g w) - "string" โžž (w)

removeLetters(j d u k a l o l r) - "KODULAR" โžž ( j l )

removeLetters( i l d a y) "daily"โžž ()


1- The procedure wonโ€™t be case sensitive. so K and k are the same letter ( see example 2 )
2- It will return an empty list if all the letters are used.( see example 3 )
3- If number of times a letter appears in the list is greater than the number of times the letter appears in the string, the extra letters should be left behind (see example 1).
4- This challenge will be for one day only.Then i will post my answer here.
5- You canโ€™t use any components, extensions,scripts in this challenge.This challenge is done with 0 components only. :crazy_face:

Mohamed Tamer


You can use this tip from @bodymindpower to convert a text into a list.So you can use it in your procedure.

Here is my solution

My blocks


Great job @dora_paz :+1:
But i think you can reduse the blocks. :grin:
I will post my solution 2020-08-24T23:00:00Z
And i will mark the fastest answer and shortest but functional answer as solution of course
My answer is very simmilar to yours but with less blocks 37
Just look at your block for converting a string into list.You can reduce them :wink:

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Revised solution , 32 blocks :slight_smile:

My Blocks


Thatโ€™s really a great one. :partying_face:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thatโ€™s mine :grin:



If the input letter list is already a list, I donโ€™t think you need to make it to a list again :sweat_smile:

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