DateTools : Some tools to work with date and time

The extension fetches local time from nearest NTP server.

I mean, not from this site(
). I have contacted the owners of the site and they advised me not to use it
thank you very much

Thank You Dev for update amazing extension at version4 screen can not be previewed in design time (companion) now bug has fixed :+1::sparkles:

First of all great work @vknow360 for you wonderful date tools extensions. But I am having errors in that extension. Please help me to fix them.

It is really serious issue .

As you can see , I am trying to subtract two date and time , but is showing error . I mean the output is really confusing. Please help me.

show us your work, error, blocks. etc etc…

unfortunately we can’t “see” it…


Sorry, I tried to upload my issue , but it wasn’t uploading.

Here is the issue:-

Please help in this issue @vknow360 @Taifun

First of all a great work by @vknow360 for his datetools extension.

But I am having issue while subtracting two date and times. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong in it??

Here is the screenshot of the issue for your reference.

Please help me guys.

@vknow360 @Taifun @Still-learning @Xoma

You guys can help​:pray:t2:

No issue for me.

So why it is comming issue in mine?? I have done everything as like you. The format is also correct then also.

Try in a new project.

What about providing a Do it result?

Is there any way to convert date/time(past/future) to epoch time.

Can be done using Clock.

What about its format?

Month/Date/Year hour:minute:seconds

Hi, I am getting this error when I call getonlinedatetime on android 7 (Lenovo P2 stock rom).

The operation Duration cannot accept the arguments: , [“java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘int’ on a null object reference”], [1699597457636]

If I disable getonlinedatetime block, I am not getting the error.

I am just calling “check_network” procedure when screen1 initializes. (I have only one screen.)


I have no error on Samsung s22’s android 13.
Min SDK Level of the project is android 5.0 (API21).
What can be the problem?

Show your blocks.

I added blocks to original post. thanks for your quick reply.

Test your app here and then posts the logs.