How to ask a question?

Asking questions

To improve the chance of getting help on the forum please follow these recommendations when posting a question:

Do your homework first

  • Search for similar questions/answers on the forum. Try forum search and also Google your problem.
  • Try to solve the problem yourself, and describe what you have tried. It is much more rewarding to help someone who has tried himself first.

Post in the right categorie, post only once and do not steal topics

  • Make sure that you post your question in the correct category, and only post your message once.
  • Do not post replies to old topics asking your own question. Start your own new topic instead. Hi-jacking other peoples topics is against the Forum Rules and irritates everyone.

Use a short and descriptive title

  • The title is the only part of your message that most visitors will see, so make sure that a reader can understand the important part of your question only from reading the title.
  • Do not use titles like “Need help”, “IMPORTANT”, “Problem”, “URGENT”. Stating the obvious or using all-CAPS just irritates people and does not make volunteers more willing to help you.

Include enough details, preferably also pictures

  • Write a comprehensive question that includes enough details to understand your problem without having to ask complementary questions. Include important settings, extensions or software used, error messages, …
  • Write in clear English if you can, using punctuation and paragraphs when needed. Preview and proof-read your message before you post it. Clear and well formatted questions always get more answers.
  • Pictures / screen-captures are often better than words, so please take the time to attach pictures to your question.
  • Describe what you have done to try to solve your problem. People are much more willing to help if you show that you have made an effort yourself first.

Give feedback and support our community

  • Please say thanks when someone has helped you and summarize how you finally solved your problem. Everyone here are unpaid volunteers and it is much more fun to help people who show their gratitude. A final note on the solution also helps others with the same problem.
  • Please also take the time to answer other people’s questions. We want a community where everyone does their best to help each other.

Etiquette - Follow the forum guidelines

  • Please review the Forum Guidelines
  • Be nice, assume and act in good faith and use smileys when making jokes
  • Do not ask questions in private, post your question publicly on the forum so that also other people can learn from the discussions.
  • Do not cross-post, do not steal/hi-jack other peoples threads, all forms of aggression’s and bad language are forbidden. Be nice!
  • Please do not be afraid to ask questions on the forum. We want questions and no question is too stupid, just please try to follow the advice in this post.
  • Kodular Community is a place for koders around the world. Everybody has to be able to ask, reply and understand all questions which may affect them
    This is the reason why English is the unique allowed language in public posts
    This topic will contain a table of contents
How to Fix This Problem in Kodular
Why my app shows this error
Can't install App (Unable to install bcoz of an error in the app APK)
Create app like YELP
The community should calm down
How To Add Cast Option In Kodular Apps
Application crashes on specific screen
Ads are not showing
Import Appybuilder aia project to makeroid
[FREE] Extension Creator
Lottie not worked
How to add Whitelist URL pattern?
Onesignal notification not shown
Button not disappearing
Help in Translation related app
How to make online multiplayer quiz/game app
New way to run apps background
How i find this block
Find error in web component
I need help in firebase
Button / Floating action button setting
Unfortunately app stopped ! 4.4
Errors when I imported screen
Some plugin regarding xml layout
App Stopped Immediately
Pull to refresh page no loading in webview here its showing white screen
What is wrong ? with my sensor
Learning Kodular App
How to show ads in notifier when it ask to close app
How to create an option with settings in the browser app
Tiny db is not working in android 8.1
Spreadsheet data not showing
Listview image and text_long click no funciona (eliminen este tema, ya di con el error)
Cannot Export apk
In Web view website menu not working
Facebook Banner Ads Crashing My Webviewer In App Made in Kodular. App works fine in case if banner ads doesn't loads, but as soon as banner ads loads Webviewer stops scrolling
How to open another screen fast way
No access to creation link
Torrent downloadInd app
Can we show filtered data from airtable in app
I want open my home screen link into my application and other website links to externernal browser
How to adds problem
Convert apk to aia
Speech recognition with web view
Google play rejected my app
Hello can any one tell me how I open ma kodular app in android 11
Video player not playing video
Admob ads not showing
How to copy selected text from webview
Server Error Could not upload project
Tester life app
Any one help me?
How to solve youtybe player Bug
How to create a box with a message to ask the user if he wants to value the app in Google Play
Long press in web view
How to use firebase
Please tell me how i add option of print webview means save as pdf option
App works fine in companion but not after installation
Dynamic dropdown list
I have file path how to open this file
How to add admob ad in live server
Certificate error in play store
View Flipper not working as it should
I want reverse text on label
Production UI interface
Problem installing App
How to add pictures in my app i can't add any picture?
Need Facebook Token Access Blocks for Facebook authentication inside App
How to create dynamic youtube channel app..?
Why my video ads not showing
Interstitial ads not displaying
How To open App(Made By Kodular) Through Another App?
I'm import .ais file on my aia so I'm facing bugs why
Problem with Screens
Airtable cell values are disappearing
Add A way for projects to tell the time
Video player does not jump to seek time in short videos
How to block ads on webview
Unfortunately app has stopped please sir help me I have many try but it is not solved
Questions Regarding Cloud API?
Decoration extenstion
Webviewer upload problem
Texting component doesn't work
Does anyone know if it's possible to make a button move?
Play install referrer api extension
Selector de fechas
My App Doesn't Respond Properly Each Time
Attempt to invoke virtual method Error in Images
Get message from user
How i test makeriod app live in my mobile
Set wallpaper as scrolling bug
Different between compile on companion and export to .apk...on android 7.0
Konsa components use kare taki jab morning 8 am quiz show huve aur 9 am automatically off ho jaye aur dusre din 8 am pe show ho jaye please help
Xiaomi does not return location data
How to Merge two List view Elements into third List View?
Textbox result or autocomplete combo box
Error on Makeriod
App screen getting refresh many times after app start how to resolve this
How to remove random text from middle of text?help!
Sidebar does not work
Upload File in Webview
Can any one tel me ? what i missd?
How to get screen 1 manu on screen 2 also
I'm a beginner, help to make a block
How can i solve this problem: The operation + cannot accept the arguments: , [empty-string], [1]
I upload my app on play store yesterday but ads do not load... why?
How to change a packname with app
How to solve app is stop error
Hi kodular team please solved my problem
Help Me for This
How to upload images on Facebook using Web viewer components please fix it
Uff! 😓 and enough! How to show AdMob interstitial ads with proper way?
Error 2501: SSL Connection Could Not Completed
How to separate tag of firebase in spinner in kodular
What is the app icon image Size?
My app is lot of crash
My app not showing in adword
PDF Downloading option
Please tell me how i use usb and test my apk by usb
Is it possible to auto detect edge after image capture?
firebase URL changed automatically to default
Firebase storage extension
Help me make a chat app
How to get adchoice network ads in mekeroid
Screen limit in makeroid butterfly
App crashes plz help anyone
Showing Runtime Error Index 33, Size 0 Plz Help
Welcome to the Community!
I can't upload my APK, please tell me logo size or banner size
What is this error
My apk not exporting please help
What it's wrong with my app?
Auto Clicker app
Firebase get datas wrong order
Ads are not showing but Showing in Makeroid Companion and Admob is working very fine
Main screen opening and closing Fluxatition
Firebase Points System
Have to Click twice to open Chrome Custom Tab
Apk File Doesn't Work
Help about Login/register to my app
I want to buy paid searchbox extension for kodular
How to write code? To enter the number 0 in front of the thousands
Runtime Error Stack size 8mb
I'm having trouble with Responsive App
How to build Vpn application
I want to do a clock countdown and I want to send a notification
Background Countdown system
Community Language
Apk not generate
Error in "Replace all text"
I want to make a app
Coding is ok but not receiving value from data base error showing
Firebase auth sign in and sign out by using email or phone and password
Why is RTL not enabled?
Screen is initialising again and again please help
Play uploaded videos by different buttons
Not Work Add Point System On Airtable
I want picker with any think
Win a dollar Versus his assistant
App Is Crashing
Open App settings from the app
Text to speech is not working
Admob banner not showing!
[SOLVED][image file too big]App crashing, even though it's clearly free off warning in editor
How to make Mirror App
Please give me card view extension
How can I use Broadcast Receiver?
I would convert 0.5 to 1/2
Use tiny db with list view image ,text component
Slow Web Loading & Crash
I wanna do make an Apps that I need to my connect to my friends
Kodular companion ( live testing ) doesn't work
APK does not build: Issue with assets
Without uploaing app on playstore can ads come
Problems with the titles in the notifiers
Send crash report?. Always showing
Problem In View Pager
Notifier Input text dialog box problem
How to make extension website for ex. youtube in Kodular Extension IDE
Push Notification Component Not Work Anymore
airtable spreadsheet not work!
*Splash Screen BUG*
Dialog spinning progress showing contious
Error 908: The Permission Process_outgoing_calls
Picture quality is not good. please help me anyone
Collisions Not Working
Is there any way to share image from a web view without downloading?
How to display data of particular folder
ADMOB Automatic Consent Message Not Showing Up
Kodular is not working properly
Iss type ke block kaise create krte hai?
Couldn't export aia and apk
Storing Hindi & Kannada languages data from app to airtable sheet But not working
App attempts to load related content
App does not compile
I Want Small Help to configure airtable
Full Feature Youtube Apps Problem
How to make working music player with slider just from link?
Error 601 appeared
How can I solve it? Select list item: List index too large
My airtable user data not loading in application after 100 user index colomn. what should I do?
S.o.s [Ads not showing]
Webviewer Error: Unknown URL Scheme
Webview error problem for links
App installed but not shown
Kodular .AIA File corrupted
Problema al reproducir video
Exporting App Stuck at 20% every time
How to grab uri content/details from my app?
Unsafe app, blocked by google play safe
Compras desde la aplicacion, Google Pay
Problem in app permission
Listview not show in andriod 6.0 or earlier
My App crashes and slow
Admob Ads System Problem
Ads are not showing
My app is not exporting.Whenever I try to export my project it says kodular is unable to compile with this app
Airtable form image upload issue
How to add image and audio
Airtable sheet not Working!
How to submit Claim Ownership Document to app Store?
Error download apk file
Add selection index block for Image and text view
Admob Approval Pending
Server error, please help me^^
Blogger Api Problem in loading from content
Dynamic PDF Book App - AIA File
How to detect if I have internet connection
How to add bookmark for the screen
How make this type of text box any extension
Live test not working
Want to Make an app like this and update the list by postman
Firebase database overwrite
NEW problem pls help and tell
I do not see the image
Ads are not showing (if downloading from apk)
OCR Problem.. Please Fix it
Kodular and airtable
Can i get row No. by Value
Blocks expanding lag
After kodular new update app not opening
Firebase Authorization
Extract phrases from words
Create Images of Components and Screens | [FREE] Extension ComponentToImage
How to open autostart screen in my phone using my app
Admob ad not show
App ia crashing (logs added)
How can i deal with this api code
How to solve this problem
Como obter dados do airtable?
App crash and also unable to use material icon
Listeners peak audience listview online & offline
Remove my app tab from mobile by user when exit botton click
I need refer help for my app
firebase autentication error
Erro na compilação
Please anyone help me with Airtable stored data Search issue.. with listview
Please anyone help me with Airtable stored data Search issue.. with listview
Calculating Peak Audience on a Radio App
Dynamic card view
It said this is an intestial test add
How to take appoval from koduler to serve ads?
How to integrate Firebase Firestore into kodular?
Appybuilder AIA file not opening in Kodular!
Advanced Chat App with Firebase (Unsupported)
Kodular apps hang a lot
The Project in Kodular Creator in not shown in My project
How to send notification from one app to another?
App icon problem, anyone help me
[DISCONTINUED] 💌 Notification Style: extension with various types of notification. 💌
Can you help me?
App get crash on startup plz help
Error while installing APK on phone
News List View view extension with animation [PAID]
Google play showen this warning in app
Can we put such applications in the Play Store?
What kind of apps can be made using this?
Date comedown set on my app please help
I had make food order app but i need help
User blocked automatically
Syntax error in login page while using mysql
I am facing problem when i installed apk on android
Runtime error is showing in firebase path
Permissions Problem playstore
Component screen shoot
Google login failed after publishing in Play Store
My Facebook ads are not load but requested from Facebook
Element counter of a flipper viewer
App Always Crashes
Admob Help (Wriiten in Hindi / Urdu)
Error 902:screen not found; email.dessearch.screen 2 how can i resolve this pls
There was a problem while parsing the package ERROR
Firebase permission denied in my login page
Need An Extension Developer
How to show specific data according to user location?
I can't export apk file showing Your apk couldn't be compiled
Fb ads not showing
How to put Multiple Spotlight in a sequence, one after the other
Kodular Disconnect In my App
My application is not working properly and also not show ads
Airtable not working creat account block
Two Spinners Bug
[Is Colliding] block is not returning True when needed
Ads showing problem
Google sign-in with firebase authentication
Initialize Device_Phone(get IMEI)
Compilation error
Can not install app on any mobile
Your App Has Not Been Approved to Serve Ads
Google Maps Problem
Admob Ads Requested But 0 impression
How to request ads in my app
Cannot install app
How to create photo gallery
Question regarding animation utils
How to use SQLite
How create gallery using airtable
Kodular companion error
Google login failed after publishing in Play Store
In colinlistview how Extrabutton functioning in multiple category to airtable base
No text for FAB
Multi Language App
Sign up success
Video Status Not Show..How to fix It
When i use screen back pressed , the application not closed and instead of that another screen will be open
Airtable, spreadsheet
Get text from web viewer content
There was an error during the analysis of the package
Admob ads showing 100%?
How to open my pdf file
How to Use Embedded Picture feature, i am making Music Player App
How will i fix my app crash prblem?
How to create a pdf
Text Segment,Firebase value get
App crashing in real device
Kodular live connecion
Runtime Error Problem
Startapp Ads Shows After Approval
How to use api in app
How Check Specific Word Matching In The Full String?
Removing brackets of the file component
[Solved] MySql Database for listview
Vertical scroll Arrangement
How to create a forum in kodular
How to set outline in a level
What happen when we use 50-60 vertical layout in app
Offline video player
Webview Only Body Section
Offline video player
Slider thumb position bug
[Solved] MySql Database for listview
Login Error| How do I change the Kodular Community e-mail?
What happend to Kodular?
My app is waiting for approval since 5 days
Problem In Extension Developing
Lottie (json)support problem!
How to create extension for this?
App icon Images are loading late
Ads not displaying
In app billing component?
Where im lost? Foreach issue
Spinner, Dropdown
Share only one app screen
Help how to solve this error
Unity interstitial ads not showing in my app?
Fiarbase url problum
Fire Base Not working
Button doesn’t work
The APK file can't be installed
Listener Extension
Clickable Image Slider
One Signal Debug
App Crashing and not loading
Extension Code mess up
Interstitial ads are not showing
Web viewer not loading in some devices
My app is crashing
Spreed sheet component does not work
What is the Problem Please help me
Spreadsheet Airtable don't store items
Application has been Stoped
My Admob Banner Ad are not showing
Send OTP Failed in Firebase
Create a ripple effect while changing background color
Pdf app with sub menu
What is problem anyone help me
Companion is not working
Existing App not working
Cannot export projects with Google Authentication
Due to no application edit
How make emoji ios for kodular
Is airtable the alternate way of FirebaseDB to store user data?
Cardview design is similar to Google search results
Package name not shown after exporting
Can we create offline ludo game?
Can someone already did MSSQL as database? Need help
Hello kodular please update facebook Audience Network SDK
App still crashing while closing screens
I got this error
Trying to replicate an app
How to reload same activity?
How to show multiple image in card view extension
Need Help for my App! New to Kodular!
Is That possible: to show an error text for a textbox?
I need a block that will show sign up and login with airtable which will open other screen
Is there any extension for copying label text by pressing
Get Marker Title from Google Maps component
Does anyone know why webview cannot open the url in several project app?
Why image sprites follow canvas touched?
I need little help.... Newbie...
Connection Error: SQLSTATE
Problem of internet
App Not Exporting
Call Show Choose Dialog” after “When Other Screen Closed” not work Finding fixed solution
Discuss on web viewer
How to make matchmaking system
How to make matchmaking system
Why kodular companion not working properly?
Runtime error : Failed resolution of : Landroid /support/design/widget/AppBarLayout$LayoutParams
Something Went Wrong Error
Webview select file crash
The operation Elements cannot accept the arguments: , ["Timestamp,Nom,Prenom,N° ID,N° TelI
Applovin ads Not show
Creating CRM app
Unable to install Kodular APK
Tech CVR - Download Free AIA files
Server error: could not save one or more files. Please try again later!
[FREE] Bottom App Bar - Extension v1- [BETA]
Compiling Apk Problem
Download Problem In Webview app
Kodular My acount Not Open
Error occurred. Please help!
Do you have any word search function on the page using webviwer? can you guide me please
My Priject is not exporting For updates
Need help for push notification setup
Application works for a few seconds and closes popping up an image
I get an error when exporting
Runtime Error. How to fix it
Connect Discord to Firebase with Zapier
Runtime Error on working app
Import from appybuilder
List View Image and text - Selection Color
Coupon code system
App development discussion
logo in the header in the app
Upload and see file in kodular
Visibility help
Server error could not save one or more files try again
How to reduce the speed of spinning gear with time?
Request to Everyone
I transferred .apk app file to phone, but lags like crazy and zoom in and out very quick
Hello i am making a logout button on my app
Unable to compile the project, stuck at "Compiling source files"
I need help with the aia
Please help me to solve my old posts solution
How to prevent Dynamic card views from disappearing?
Help me please buttons?
Parallax extension by Andres does not work in Kodular?
An internal error has occurred
Point system using tinydb
How to use embed code in web viewer
How to download htm file in firebase storage?
After picking a txt file using the Filepicker extension by deephost: how can I read that file?
What were the blocks for adding refresh button?
"Get Text" Error upon App Install... Any workaround for this?
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed.
Runtime Error: Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0: ()
How do I open Bhim Payment System with Activity starter
I need help with blocks with Vertical and Horizontal Arrangement
Colin tree image view to get user photo name gender age from firebase
How to Build botton Download Fille
Need help to develop an app
I am not able to make slider rotate 180 Degree
How add events to system timer clock?
To create billing app
Webview don´t open it
Runtime Error, Attempt To invoke Virtual Method
App installation failed
I have a problem with component SQLite
How to save record to airtable
Data repeating in for each item loop
Bad arguments to +; this operation cannot accept the arguments: [*empty-string*], [0]
Image sprite move
Showing error when logging in
Failing to launch an Application
how to save user location to show items depend on location
The best application interface
Comparing Airtable string values
Fingerprint sensor not working
Screen closing like sleeping
How Fix Downloaded Image ERROR?
I am trying to save data in spreadsheet but it is not saving
How to use ask permission block
Can Not Compile
Ola pessoal presizo de ajuda runtime error stack size 8mB
Login com MYSQL
Should I need to change the index vale
How to remove the circles from the Google maps component?
Companion error, progress automatically stop at 37%
Help your friends favorite button
Dynamic Cardview
Help in
There was a problem in parsing
Kodular Companion App
App running very slow when export apk
Got Runtime error while creating a video player app
How to fix Bugs
Spotlight Wrong
Test indexing or input indexing
Airtable login app
How to setup example app?
OutOfMemory Error
web url in kodular
Kodular Auth Your website my accont page is not working
Kodular Pollfish: Survey not avaliable
In app pdf viewer eror when load file pdf from asset
Need dating app aia
Profile picture from google auth does not appear
Web viewer shows blank white screen
Crashing problem
How to get 1st column of last row using Air table?
Facebook ads problem
Having issue when with 3 dot about appication
Problem importing aia
I cannot export it as an APK
Youtube live subscriber counter
How to Control a screen from another screen
How to create Placeholder loader
I am having problem with my tournament app
How i add refresh button on app make text new at right title selection list view element
Html not working for justified alignment in labels
Why google maps is not working on my companion
Image list view with tiny db
Testing App to publish
Aes-256 Cryptography read and write Qr code
images doesnt load webviewer
I want an extension that creates a line showing the route
How to know our utc time?
How to export data to excel?
Why don't projects appear?
monetization problem nowdays
How can I do this with textbox
Aia not working on new account
Please help me. Admod rewarded video ads does not showing in my app .
Live test auto refresh needs to be turned off. Otherwise the app hangs
App Show unity ads after commission removal
App build failed
Make a top chart
Web viewer back button needs to be pressed twice?
Bottom sheets not working properly
Button Got focus, Lost focus, Touch Up, Touch Down In not work Why
My app is so slow in some phones
Trying from last 2 days.....did no change in app.....earlier it was exporting properly
App crash or heavy load time while getting all data from firebase
How can I edit a value in list when getting global name
The apk you create does not install on the phone
Exo video player blank problem
Save push notifications in app
Alguém saberia me dizer como eu posso fazer um post que permita comentários e curtidas?
Kodular Account
anyone have aia file of shopping app
How to make a online private bar graph for each user of the application?
how to hide application icon
Open another screen is not working
The Canvas component crashes my application
"Cloudbd Error: System error getting tag"
I need a nautical map extension
Consent development mode
Transfer images from Assets in apk to newly created directory on the installing mobile
Colintreelistview And Airtable spreadsheet not Working
Erro ao baixar o apk
How to send a date list to Firebase and get the result on another screen?
How can i create app using multiple app?
How to use firestore using api
No data writing in firebase
Overflow stack size error how can solve it
My app is crashing
Save as other format
Firebase data base
How to implement app open ads in kodular...?
Unable to get response with the specified URL
How to change Horizontal scroll arrangemant Direction to right?
When put package name then apps are crush all time
Why the my app is not exporting and not showing any bug
My blocks pages is very slow and hangs every time
NEED publish apk for publishing
How to load image from html code in image component
card view and link with problem
Reset button help
Speadsheat not working
How to change min skd?
webviewer disable screen function
Cant upload files with ftp. help
Texting component is not working in background
Audio component is not working properly
Push Notifications do not work?
Need help on such huge error
I want to create graph of firebase data ? is there is any tool or extension that can make it simple
Airtable data slow loading
How to view PPSX Files
Pi network app discussion
Onboarding Screen feature creation help
Update Airtable Row number to your respective
Text On a Canvas
Card layout visibility control not working
Download using Webviewer in a browser application with file name save option
I need help for my app related firebase
Chatting Application guide
Can Anyone tell me why this is coming?
Help with my application
How to display text of label by detecting which particular label was pressing at runtime?
How to ask update on google play store?
Thriller App Store Discuss
How to open a new tab in same browser
Thriller App Store Discuss
Thriller App Store Discuss
Don't getting data from firebase
whenever I try to click on my app any button this messasage show The operation + cannot accept the arguments: , [empty-string], [1]
Problem with airtable
Screen Switching Problem
Apk don't install
I want to bring up the item data list by simply entering the name of the item sought from the airtable. please help me, i am a beginner
Htm file is not loading using startvalue
Bug to open my project
Create a Pdf fill in form
New User Need Help
App was not approved
Firebase doesnt send reset email to the email
Width percentage
How to make a place when user typing anything and send will i receive
Cant download my app
I need list view and text spreadsheet database
How to find out if post is still in review
Google Play Game Achivement
How to only name
Next and Previous Buttons
How to create app like this? bookmark function
cfgh(2).apk please Activate the App
Error in reading the linestring
Apk Loading Problem
How to make this types ui design in play store
Search Bar on the Tab
Runtime error. index = 1 ; size = 0.... end application
Decorations use
Need Help in Importing com.squareup.http
Push notification not work
I can't export my app
Runtime Error The operation + cannot accept the arguments: , [0], [*empty-string*]
Push notification properties are not showing
App crash after picking selection from list view.
Problem Key SHA1
Problema di compilazione, evaluating syntax transformer ‘if’ threw java.lang.StackOverflowError
Advertisement on pressing back button
Admob and Facebook ads are not showing
Making app in Kodular
Wrong number of arguments
Ads not show in my app
The App does not appear in the applications menu
Why i cant get this tag in tag list firebase?
App error i got this message
Button on my app click 15 times in 24 hours
Why my link not shown in second screen please help
Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views
Can we use your data to tailor your ads?
If you use Image_Utilities
Hide dynamic text box display
Text colour is not changing as selected
How to make Classified Application like OLX
Firbase to Header gmail pic
How to make a back button in app
companion is not working
Make video file list
Your app contains content that doesn't comply with the Misleading Claims policy
I doing to my project
I want to buy fitness app for my website
SyntaxError error
Layout deleting
Playing a song on screen initialize
Kodular apps hang a lot
An error when I export the project, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Out of memory error
How to make Scanner app to PDF
Help me to optimize the blocks
Don't want to work, someone knows why
Runtime error not allowed to access cell location
Scrollbar not working, also in screen and also vertical scroll Arrangement
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference
Why is this app not working on emulator(On PC)?
Companion error
I want to add app usage
I have a problem with my chat application
How to run Media Scanner after copying file
How can i split text at space?
Payment method declined in Kodular
Animation loading
I can't download the app apk
I want to make a game
Is it possible to make first time notfication
When Custom Webview starts to open page key does not work
AdMob banner and interstitial banner doesn´t appear in monetization
How to count sunday monday in two date range
Label Not found in code block
Dynamic button don't show the text
Hi Everyone Do you have sample app Karaoke Sing?
I need help with putting the text inside the button one under the other
Please help me create a chat system!
Bluetooth file sharing
Kodular to airtable language problem
Dynamic Components When label click help pls
How to change the package name after we create our project
Android.webkit.resource.video_capture error on kodular
Dynamic image does not load image using cloudinary image link
Can i make an app from the contents of the book
Web viewer any video url link not working
Am a beginner but I don't understand that HOME url
List picker value
Blinking screen after open
How to change tab text font in viewpager?
I cant open my app after publish on playstore
How to get largest file of phone storage
Song List and play them
What does this mean in text to speech component?
Bad Request (400)
qr code receipt from thermal printer via ip.
Error getting IMEI or Device ID
Bug google services are not working
How to create a app cache cleenr app
How to upload links to Firebase
I download it, everything seems fine, but the application does not exist
Login in FireBase DataBase error.
I want to create my professional VPN app
Error 1103 : Unable to post or put the text
How I Can set custom list view gradient colour?
Custom web view
when i try to install the apk on android it stops working
Companion Crashing a lot?
All Kodular animations Problem like Circular Progress Custom, linear etc.?
Google spreadsheet Recycler View
How can i wait until for each item in list is end?
How To Create A Sidebar
DuDX kodular creator
Error change Web_viewer1 - facebook/device
FileSharing app firebase
Companion not working
Google maps location circle and add a marker
Widget Question
Can exo player component get low data?
App Keeps stopping
Splash Image error
Freezing my project
Please help me, I am stuck in create Account page
Please check this ad unit with your approved app and solve the error
Export apk doesn't work... "invoking AAPT"
To create phone screen sharing app
How do I particularly separate email from paragraph?
How to get value when the application is opened together
How to get value when the application is opened together
Need An Interface / Screen Which Show Data From Firebase In A list view with live updates
Help "There was an issue Charging customer payment method"
Invalid Text Operation
I need a HTML editor
How make web app with included proxy
How to solve error 908 in app in screen recorder app
Website source code
Store information of time and date in firebase realtime database
Label Use As Title Bar
How to add deeplinks in a aia store
Text to speech not working
Actions is very slowly
How to overcome the ''get variable '' warning
Ecommerce/ Shopping app
Is it possible and allowed to import and aia file from App inventor to Kodular
Select list item : List index too large select list item: attempt to get item number 5 of a list of length 4
Error! open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
Unity Ads Not Showing In Kodular
Any Label Font TypeFace Import Problem
Click on Category
Need Help !! my App screen countinuously blinking
Video and audio do not work for 5 seconds or less
Bad list argument to foreach
How to reload same screen again
Why there is showing a unfilled cardview like?( i have used dynamic cardview and dynamic images from airtable?
Not able to export apk
How to get storage location
Firebase apk compilation error, (another) firebase config file error
If the number is from 1 to 9, How to use this logic in block
Button is not working
Telegram App with kodular?
How? I will do make profile on use airtable in kodular
Can anyone solve
How to xml show in my application
App Keeps Crashing
Image categories
Table names in a list
How to call a data from airtable automatically by changing date. with device date
I always get this message: Firebase config file error
Switch value not getting stored in TinyDB
There's a parsing error. Please help me
Error: The operation + cannot accept the arguments
Desarrollar una extencion
How to solve a close bracket problem in while calling value in airtable (value stored in label)
Show Colin Tree List View text on label with firebase
Kodular usb testing not working
Colintree listview
App not working please suggests
Unable to get column data from spreadsheet
It takes a long time to load when I pass a screen to another screen
Checking device details
Score wri̇tten to another user
Side Layout Problem Please help
Delete this post please
Notification data accepted
Region_province/iso/region_namecity_name Where is the mistake?
Runtime Error. Solve please!!!
Firebase OTP login Not working in App
Hii want to my app shows in this share view how it is possible. And How to get shared value in app screen
This is flagged I have got my error so please close this topic
Is it Necessary to add ads?
Export screens project
Problems with App Hello
Firebase authentication
How I am use startapp video ads on my app
Getdeviceid the users doesn't meet the requirements
How do make particle effect?
Firebase realtime database not respond
Facebook ads not showing
Need new fukin permissions this place holding us back
Kodular on iOS to public
HTTP response was too large: 33747317. The limit is: 33554432
HTTP response was too large: 33747317. The limit is: 33554432
App-Discord Link
List error removing item
How should I do to import an dats database to my list, (file.csv)
List - Unable to remove item
I want to make the horizontal scrollbar constantly visible
FTP upload file Synchronous?
Ping a device using shell
What is the native app
Is there a way to open custom chrome tabs with desktop site
What is the use of slider touchup?
Why this error and what the solution (concerning Deep host mysql extension)
Kodular sending a link to friends to download my app
How to close the sidebar when the screen is back pressed
Design the Label and textbox
Read html web page
How to reverse tag list of firebase
Read html web page
Add youtube subscribe button in my app
How to delete app data?
Kodular failed to compile the project, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Need help with recycler view
Icon support in Any Button
How to copy file?
How To Generate Keystore For Authentication?
Problem with QR Code component
App Open Ads Kodular
Personal or private space afer login
Sqlite + example
Hello Extantion Developer You have Sidebar Extantion Like This
Compile apk at kodular, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Smooth scrolling web view js chat
Any suggestion about OCR tutorial in youtube
Dynamic component Extension Error
i add dynamic image in app when i test my app it works but when i export its not work
Help I need to hide this top bar
I don't know the dynamic components
I need this block to only run on the first time
Bonjour, suite à vos retours, j'ai commencé à améliorer l'esthétique de mon application
Is there any way to round all pictures the same
Looking for a Mail Client extension
How to create a one time password
How can we prevent start of another instance when receiving shared files?
Image picker with camera options
How To Make A Video Conferencing App With Kodular? (Guide)
Unable to call data from firebase database again
How to make this type of runnable progress bar i know that extension but i want to know how to make this runnable effect
I am facing companion error
Problem with airtable
GIF image Not Support in My Wallpaper App?
Kodular companion error
Build failed MALFORMED
How to refresh list after deleting some data from list
DX execution Failed .. From where I would Start?
Clickable image slider
Why my app start in Screen1 always?
Hello, I need to update my application urgently. I have such a problem
How to upload file in cloudinary on a specified folder?
Background Run App
O haver a Webradio doubt
Why I am facing this issue with dynamic component .?
Can I create a design for an app
Unlimited Free Storage For Short & Lengthy Videos (Fast, Reliable)
Urgent I can not unsubscribe because I deleted the app Cancel it for me quickly
Offline app using internet data
How to show multi text in on line
App crash in playstore
How to calculate next or upcoming birth days months and years
Live test not working
One installment was submitted for monetization review but no further approval was received
Problem with secure database in firebase never work
Error application does not open it closes when it starts.
I am makeing ivr system please help for api and webhook
How to hide reply info message on kodular
My Kodular returns “nothing” in the middle of firebase data, what can it be?
How to write text and add button upon Lottie component
When Webview url change
How to create file selling application?
Help with slider
Firebase Database Error
Firebase Database Error
Showing Build Failed Popup Massage
Login screen help
When using custom webview the package manager say erro loading package
Null Script Error
How to create Extensions?
Directory list with a specific types of files
JSON to Dynamic Card. Please, help
How to store data in cloud Db
Help me, i want to convert my website into an app
Can't compile my project
Low noise very much
Image size for making app
Control extension
"calculate" button
Image size for making app
I cannot export apk file
How do i order by active client unknown source
Please help me, at a time point system and button click limit is possible
How to add firebase cloud messaging in kodular
App screen refreshing many times how to resolve
How do i download a file using webview
How To Enable Location?
Statue App, need help
Can I make an Html application
How can I fix it
Lambada with app on the phone
Constantly turn off the display of ads
Custom Webviewer Problem
help, with web view tool
Sound recorder to create a new recorded sound file
WebView for a specific account
How to change data online
Local Video Player
How do I show a picture in the internal storage in the app?
Browser app with 3 months in review
Cannot set position
Having trouble with airtable database
Show Next Image with Airtable
Web viewer is not in full screen
Firebase Security
Download link Generate
Kodular via USB does not connect
Web viewer does not show initial url
App creation help
How to add this features to my application
Mysql Store Data Problem
Help with full screen rotation
Problem with layout scroll
Same Blocks not working
My Apps Available On Playstore but ads not showing
Ads related Question
Need solution for error
Get Tiktok Video Cover
Select list item: list index is too large
Visible problem in other devices
Enable to Find Component While Loading to Project
🤯How I Create Insta Video Downloader Without Without server or any api/webhook
Changing the background color of a dynamic space
How to solve this problem
Voice Search For WebViewer Help (Google Voice Search)
Stopped working error
Sunny File Tool view audio files
Admob ads not showing when i compile the apps before compile all is ok i want help
An internal error has occurred. Report a bug?
I want help for kodular ( google spreadsheet problem )
Ok Thank You. Good bay
Runtime Error, Invalid Screen: screen3. Why are showing the message?
Need Help in doing some changes in app
Cannot delete file asset
Run the app in the background
After logging in with google a white screen appears on the webview application
My Text boxes Are Not Working cant click when i export my app
API which blcks to use for what line
Youtube Video not Rendering Properly in TV or Bigger Screen
Conect two device online
Bad Argument Error
How can my user check their total views
How to call airtable data to app
How to create webview to pdf
wrong number for argument for create
I Am make A video status help me
Compilation error (without providing further details)
Call translate button
I can’t assign a location sensor to the map
I can't call procedure
Pop-up window in music app
I'm not able to export the project
How to make withdraw history in airtable
How to create a community app
Where i find this ilustrations ..!?
Vehicle tracking application, budget $ 200 or more
How to Control Motor using Android Raspberry Pi?
How to repeat a function
Monetization STATUS
Kodular live test not working
Not able to Export My app to .aab ? it says Upgrade to Premium to compile apps with more than 5 extensions
Upload play console new key how ...?
How do I make the time turn when the app is closed?
MY App connot compile due to error in the metadata stage
Kodular New Update Error
Drag & drop here issue
New error in kodular
Image sprite discuss
Do you creat a dictionary to accept JSON reponse from a web API?
How to change package name of app?
How to limit Notifier input text length?
Delay with APK creation: Can't get download link
Kodular Fenix New Update Crash My App
My app is crashing
I need set image in Dynamic Button Component. and Dynamic CardView
Leadbolt and facebook ads
Atmosphere: File Manager
Dynamic component
Live test & Export not doing samé thing
I can't export the app with this new update
Send data from kodular app to api link
One signal is not working
How To fix Supported Android devices
Live test & Export not doing samé thing
Bad argument to create problem
Select list item: List index too large
Why my airtable spreadsheet works sometimes
Bad arguments to select list item The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments:,[""], [1]
I can't get my music player to play songs from airtable even after getting the list
Firebase component
Show my apps on Android TV launcher
It's not working why
Blinking /flicker when load img tag webview
Is it possible to create a mini external page for the sharpener results application?
Web View Problem
I need to get data in web view, how i can do it?
I can't download my project 😔
I found new bug
Today Kodular update brings WEB COMPONENTS PROBLEMS!
My app is not working fine
make a call from customer to the app owners
Why are the apps made from Google Play Console?
I cant see images
How to fix Full screen video problem in web viewer
[FREE] Custom List View - An Extension for making Image and text list view with a lot of customization
How can i create a backup system in kodular
Can we create a CSV file with all the members. Google Play Console is also needed. In this way, we are entitled to early access
Errors, all with android 11, api30
Firebase authentication in not working
Server Error || Bugs || App Build
Test my Browse App Please test my apps
Problem with text
Doubt about application category related
I want important extension can you give what is the important extension from angle
How to cotrol banner ads size
How to insert text into a website
How to block superscript on my app?
I want a way to play video live streaming
How to get start value after update a application?
Need help to completing and simplifying project
1.5.3 Fenix Bugs
Battery Info - A Simple Way To See Battery Info | V1 | Free | No Ads | Free AIS and APK
Help with a app Social Media
Download Component
Why is it deleting messages except last 1
Number pair with condition
All the block process is fine but the apk does not work for me
How to make Redeem system/ Coupon system
After Kodular new update my app is getting startup crash
Anyone knows truncate? please help me
Creating firebase value
How to get items form firebase in listview
How to create offline playlist
Wrong number of aurgument for AnimateComponent error
Add live chat button and option
How can i create it using airtable
Multi category with kodular
Select the path where the files are stored, Any Extension?
Kodular what is it like
Make A Virtual Assistant
Runtime Error in horizontal arrangment
My app force closes
Extension to download file(s) to ASD (app-specific directory) without WRITE permission
Why does kodular crash with more than 500 blocks
How to fix: we determined your app contains code to facilitate Disruptive Ads. Affected Versions: APK:7?
Firebase Login failed with mobile number
How can I send an image image to the back of the array?
AAPT is failing
How is make touch through
Open StreetMap reloading tiles issue
Permission problem
How do i go to a picture on the screen by pressing a button?
Qr code history generation
Why button is working after some delay of time
Problem in my app
Erro de execução
Kodular Fenix Ftp
My project monitization not eligible
How to remove imported screen project getting errors
Pictodrive extension
Please support editing this apk file in the direction of less screen and view pdf offline
I'm having a problem getting the counter value back
Need help. How to make the home button and recent a refresh or can't close app.
I want to edit data and delete data in table see who can help me
Others app content
Wanted to load data which store in tin y dp
Wanted to load data which store in tin y dp
Send SMS issue!
how to translate this localization permission message to another language?
Error generating the apk
Webview html data not load
Help needed in creating a solar load calculator app
App is not working
How to use API with Kodular?
File Not Uploading via FTP
Live stream extension
Create a feed like twitter
Need help use date picker to show in listview but don't show time and location
Create fake video call app
Show the tag that I found
Show the tag that I found
Mode of list in kodular
How to click google search button?
Help me The codes are doing very heavy work. specially when placing codes. How many times do you have to start from scratch? Help
It helps because when I close and open my app, the changes I made are not seen, just like in appcreator24
Highlight the words
I can't able to get complete data from firebase its just returning first 4 words
How can I create CPI app in kodular
Next item does not got
How can I download the desired file to the phone
Search dynamic help
Shortening Texts Pulled from Firebase
Please help me .. what is this and how to resolve it
App crash after update
Search data in more than one tab
This is not Downloading very bad thing i try 10 tines but it didn't work
I cant open my project screen get hang
Does fetching more than 200 values from one firebase database cause a problem?
Aab not building, stuck at signing bundle
My app is so slow
I want how to login and register a member
Whoops, we found a problem (EC#1002)
Please I want to send all the data in a table on the database to another table
How to check file type in kodular like imagetype videotype audiotype documenttype
How to upload files
Google Authentication error in Web Viewer [Google Secure browser Policy]
Firebase gives Error
Is it possible to make an user system for my app by using mysql database?
You need to set up Facebook Login to access API
Submitted for review 4 months, 2 weeks ago is that normal
The app closes when you zoom in with your fingers on the components
How to textbox write down
Modify system settings
Can Someone Pls Help Me In Making An App
My images are not showing when I export my apk it's all visible in my creator h
How to do after date change action?
Access location denied! Please help
Purchase History
how i can create list view with image and have Text search with 10 item not use index
Not suitable for monetization
Showing please wait for too long
com.KIO4_PdfS.aix is not working nor deep host pdf generator also not working
Error Runtime please provide solution
Google Song Search
Error 1103 on zenfone
How to know where the focus is?
Dont Work After Added Admob
My app when starting always shows that it is not responding
Please Fix This Project App
Indiamart website is not working properly in webviwer of kodular app how to l do it?
Purchase History
Point system kodular
Can we update extensions of developers?
2 errors when i downloaded my app
App update not working
I'm having a video call problem please help
Kodular is unable to compile this project. The compiler error output was ________Preparing application icon ________Creating animation xml ________Cre
How to blur an image
Why I can't export my app, it showing save successful
How to use dynamic clock
Can somebody help me in google spreadsheets
Problem “The permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION has been denied”
Project loading
The final app don't execute all blocks
App crashes when I try to load HTML in webviewer...
Error 908 help en android 12
Want to upload image to airtable from cloudinary database
My account admob extension not working
How to set the number of letters that can be entered in the text url
Building stuck at "Generating Manifest File"
Mysql query help me
Saving data from firebase in tinydb or any storage that can display history of detection
Deep Link Extension Help
html problem faced
Build failed! error: your build failed due to an error in the compile stage, not because of an error in your program]
Problem with firebase authentication
How create orders received apps
Deephost in app pdf viewer problem
Ingame shop points go to minus
.APK and .AAB Building Error
How to excute this screen using csv file and image from internal storage
Kodular Fenix 1.5B.3
Can I use admod ads in our app
How do I solve the problem of downloading pdf files from Google Drive?
how to Upload all files in Google drive via kodular ?
Not working firebase
View pictures in my files from the app
Organ voices code
Hello, Good Day. How can I send a message in the form of Discord Webhook from codes?
How do I make an alarm setting application in codes?
How i can Connect command to 2 buttons
Help with cloudinary
How to remove error screen
Get values from html page
MinSdk problem and gradient
Automatic Open Another Screen
how to calculate the total km my car ran in a day
From a textbox to web input
I want to open my website when someone do a certain activity
Webviev app image error
How can my app read sms got on device in background
Covert to number and + text box
Convert Zip file to Aia file
Make filter with procedure
I am making browser which supports one one website but I am having problem in making this can anyone help me
How to save image after taking from camera component
OneSignal Not Working in kodular Please Help & solve it
I need your help. I have no idea what to do
Lottie. Not working tried everything..! Not showing in companion too
Please help me.. for web viewer
Keyboard hangs for a while
Unblocked contract should not allowed
Cannot export .apk, Stuck at 'compiling source files"
How to call adzan automaticaly with time
When entering the application, an interface appears immediately in which the time is displayed with minutes and seconds in the Hijri time
Why there is a runtime error? FLAG_IMMUTABLE
how can i use wifi blocks
How to show update in schema template
Date Picker not getting updated to running webview kodular in android OS 12 i'm make component webview and notifier
Autofill textboxes customwebsite
How to use multiple choice in Kodular?
Make it invisible
2fa doesnt work
Two lines are travelling at same time . one line travelled after next line travel starting setting method
After selection on list picker open small screen on screen 1 kodular
Anyone with a material with instructions to build a reading app for kids?
"Error 908 : WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is denied" error with screenshot component
Hai hello people nearby setting method
[UPDATED] Web Scrapper Extension - Get data from websites
Achieve building blocks request
Drop box in blocks
How can i make a button on a notvgation bottom like the pic
Colintree Listview: my chat is not storing
My app contain link and Getting Hacked by Http Canary i want to block http canary user
[Free] Regex Extension to work with regex
DateTools : Some tools to work with date and time
When informing a height or width value, for example 40px I get a warning that 40 pixels is not a valid integer, what could be happening?
Percorrer o for aech e selecionar o maior valor
I need help pdf not downloading issue
Database management
Hello Projects link is does not work for me
From airtable text box text not multi line
Ludo game income and
[New info]Firebase authentication , app crashes on impact
Vcard generator help
How To Make APP Faster ?
How to download file using custom web viewer
Services App. Help me!
Is it possible that you can’t find the applications
Pdf viewer text selection extension needed
Not able to reset password
Screen close after splash screen
Location sensor not Working!
Can i update my ecomerce app in real time using kodular or other 3rd party
project export file
When download start freeze all activity for a while
Saving the file in TXT format
Dynamic image not get value from data base
Installed application
Screenshot blocker not working
How to convert this progress
Image does not update in KODULAR
Error Fine Passive Location and error 908 camera permission
How to make dark mode and light mode?
Player Not Working Properly
Permissions: "App Split Bundle [1556734703]: READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
App advertising analytics
Arrangement Design Extension
Hola necesito ayuda, estoy haciendo un proyecto con funcionés Python en kodular
How do you work for prayer times
How do you work for prayer times
How to get data by cell wise from updated row
How to settle this block
How to create side menu in Kodular
linking my app with firebase steps
Can't open other apps
Build failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the Compile stage, not becuse of an error in your program
Get all rows from MySQL to tableview
How to create a table where I will get data from Google Sheet
Incompatible function names
How to get file path on android 11+
Grid view after picking
Creating a Pop Up Screen
[FREE/OS] QR Logo - Generate QR Code with your logo
create an account
Security Of our Data, INQUIRY
I want to log in with firebase authentication and spreadssheet and an airtable table
To create something similar to this one on Netflix
Component player
I need help with a school project
How I can Upload Multiple Data Using Web Component in Ip address?
Voice message in chat view
I need help creating a login page and linking it to the Firebase database
Web Post File doesn't work and doesn't send file
/mnt/sdcard/emulated/0/Music does not exist
[Guide] How to disable split screen in your app!
Firebase to app screen
How to use new version of in app billing
After the update my app crashes on install but works fine in companion
My app not work in background please help
YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed
How to create a login system?
I don’t know how to type
When I install the application, it opens only at the start screen
I want to create a caller name announcer app
App Project11 Kodular
Build bug cant do apk or aab stuck @85 Percent
[Free] FixWebViewer: fix WebViewer Crash when load Html
How can I save the choice the user made in the list view
[FREE] ScanView -ZxingView Version 2- Extension
Payment not received
Help for error [*nothing*]]
Apk Building Problem
Error 1103 during companion connection
Do not control admin
My Application is Related to the Question Each Update Will Be Between 1 Month and 2 Months.
I need help: E.G.> notifier and back pressed and got custom choose dialog ...
Has anyone already solved error 908?
Disable/Detection for Floating Apps
Screen not working
Hello. I ran into a problem
Help me with the bluetooth ssh extension to know nearby devices
Why does this error appear since yesterday when I run the application? I deleted half of the codes and it did not go away. What should I do?
The recommendation database does not display all the "plant recommendations" tags
[FREE] Material You M3 Dynamic Colors for your components!
How to fix bug error: "Build failed! We could not find your Ad Manager child account. Please, head to My Kodular and confirm if has been approved."?
I just finished building a project. How do I get it on an app?
Can we make a real money wallet system in Kodular?
Error occuring while exporting, Firebase config file error
[FAQs] General questions about displaying Ads and getting the app approved
Wifi Direct or Peer 2 Peer
Help me aravind-chowdary help me
Error When Compile Extension
Division of textbox value by number
How to add wordpress RSS to app
Admob interstitial and rewarded not working
How can i download my designed app?
Barcode Generate
How to Change Title Text Colour
How to view HTML
Errore occurred extension
Kodular API level
Push notification problem
How to make a leaderboard
Website updates are not showing in app for website
Any button crashes the companion
Web viewer blogger theme not showing
Browse Button not working in webview
How can we write something with floating action button
How to make contacts App
Server Error Problem
I want to get data from firebase which is available in List
I want to get data from firebase which is available in List
Someone cut the power!
Makeroid Big Bug
Sharing in facebook but no text need help
Waiting for Spreadsheet Component in Next Update
Can we make app like
Privacy Policy: Anyone please help me
"Bad Request" when sending mail using IFTTT

What to avoid

Avoid using general titles and sentences like “sth is not working” without including any further information

If your topic does not contain relevant information about your case (such us detailed steps to solve it or AIA/APK files to test it), it might be closed by moderation without any prior warning, or you won’t receive any reply

App is always crashing
Error handling in kodular
App keeps stopping
Facebook Ads Not Loading
Transparent screen using camera
ProKoders Guide Newbies :)
Runtime Error for input string
App not installed
Help ..? Make app chat
Lottie animation not working
After Eagle update firebase DB not working
On recieved ads startapp
Any mistake in this block
IN APP UPDATE not working
App is crashing after kodular eagle
How to delete directory or multiple file
App crash after Eagle 1.4.0
live tv channels
Mika & km_wpwp_pl
Some spreadsheet errors after update
After clicking on register i m getting msg of inalid firebase url specified
After starting the generated application, it stops working
After starting the generated application, it stops working
Admob Approval System
The use of web api in Kodular
Component Problem in kodular
What if i upload kodular ads approved app to google play store?
Can anybody help me with this?
Kodular Eagle - google map polyline
Companion not working
Downloading videos
Flipper slideshow not working
Bug in kodular apps
Please Help me Colin Tree ListView
On text change does not work
Bug in web component
Download Option Not working when using mobile data
Google play apk problem
I want to add some components in bar code scanner interface sir
FTP server are not working properly
Listview after selection
Airtable Data Not Call
How to set up a get text link in my app
Storage permission dialog not showing
Old apk is not building
No start screen
Open another screen name block have bug
Bug In Lottie Animantion
App not installing on Android 9
App not installing
Slider not working after last update
Black Screen During Screen Initialise
Kodular platform in live app test or app preview is next features add
Invoke: no method named `IsEnabled' in class java.lang.Boolean
Fullscreen error webview
How limit device on ip adress?
Ooops! We tripped on a Bug!
Sound sensor is not working
How to change text align in block section?
Error Message When Opening a Specific Screen
How to next screen after splash screen
My ads not run in my app
link to web page
Background in Notifier
All in One App - Available Soon AIA Project
App is crashing everytime
TinyDB loses the data
Status Bar customization
How to create income and expense categories in kodular
Convert php to kodular
Deleting of Items in Database
How To Make Photo Frame App
HTML Encoder needed
How to show firebase data in list view?
Previewer color error
How to get information from a phone number?
Admob banner ads cannot showing
Image Scroll Option
How to load image first In The Dynamic Image Component
App installation error
Companion not working
Kodular still has compatibility issues with Appybuilder projects
screen 1 back press then app run in background and running status show on notification
Push notifications is not working
Audio picker not working
App not install
view, app, output
Kodular App Not Working Properly in Some specific devices
How to webview playstore in app?
My App published on playstore become hang while using it
I can't zoom with Canvas
Google Maps Location
Save images in assets or folder
airtable connection problem
Send forget password email to verifid email only k
Unfortunately apk file has stopped
HTML Link to Button Click
In free account project will be public
Companion Not Working