I want to create dynamic card views for those have in Mobiles from Category Column in Airtable
Please. I cant fix myself. I am newbie…
What problem you are facing ? You have to specify your problem.
I want to create dynamic cardview for each From Mobiles Category. But it shows only first row values in every cardviews like as below
Use this :
Can you help with my blocks?
Remove Select from list blocks. Direct set maintitle to global images.
This may work.
When I Click on Redmi 8 card view (last card view)it shows another values from column. What changes needed
i really dont understand why you are using any cardview click, when you are using dynamic card view, isnt any when dynamic cardvew click option?
I am using extention not built-in dynic card view
Don’t create multiple topics about the same thing, I merged them now
Sorry. Provide Solution for new one …please
I said replace not switch
There is no need index by thing block? Can you explain more. Didnt understand
I am newbie. Please