My Firebase real-time database rules are
“.read”: true
“.write”: “auth != null”
I have used Firebase authentication for login and sign up. After sign up or login store value, but no data is written in the database. How to fix this problem
May 10, 2020, 8:59am
You have to give more info then that
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November 10, 2020, 4:59am
Sorry for the late reply but it will help koders who are facing the same issue,
Hi, Koders!
I observed that there were many queries on Firebase Database even me ! but eventually after trials and errors I solved the problem I had posted a solution to a Koder who had the same issue but I thought to make a more comprehensive guide on Firebase for begginers.
So lets get started!
Lets understand the blocks
The below warning is because there is no blocks associated with it.
[Firebase Database Data Changed]
This is an event triggered when the data changes in firebase, for exa…