My kodular project is error
June 15, 2023, 10:41am
When exactly do you get an error?
Please provide a screenshot of the error message
“passive location provider requires access_fine_location permission” and " [Error 908: The permission CAMERA has been denied. Please enable it in the settings app]"
June 15, 2023, 2:39pm
Sorry, I do not understand, please elaborate…
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(Gordon Lu)
June 16, 2023, 5:45am
Shouldn’t be a bug anymore (not even in App Inventor), but for some reason, it exists.
I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic
Describe your issue
When you call the Screen1. AskForPermission block when the user first runs the app, and the user denies the error through the permission dialog, there are two scenarios for what will happen next. Both are bugs.
When you build the app: the next time you call the same error, the 908 error appears (again). Tested with the coarse location permission.
When you connect with companion: the permiss…
June 17, 2023, 11:41am
Rather than starting a duplicate thread, what about elaborating…
Show us what exactly you are doing. .
When exactly does the error occur… etc…
Help us to get help and provide more information…
Also what about providing some relevant blocks?
June 17, 2023, 12:23pm
You are using an extension…
What happens, if you remove that extension, do you still get the error?