How do I particularly separate email from paragraph?

If user pastes a paragraph containing emails example

this is a car and I know it …
[email protected]
asids aoifpjad soifjojadsf jsdoifj

The app should return " [email protected] "

sorry, I do not understand the question



like i guess u mean u are trying to make an email app and u wanna add paragraphs keep the default text box and done . it will depend on the people whether they want para or not

I have edited the question. Don’t mind, my english is bad.

I want app to spot email from a paragraph given by user. I have edited the question please take a look

Use Regular expression extension - ClassicExtensions - Community extension to validate email id from the paragraph.

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Find a @ position
Walk back, and go comparing (each letter) if it equals space. " "
Take this position from space + 1
Now. from the @ position, move forward comparing (each letter) if it equals space " ".
Take the position of the space -1
You have the start position and the end position of the string.
Remove this string from the main string.


He can’t do that because the texts and length of the paragraph may change and he will not get the desired result. :sweat_smile:

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Maybe try something like this


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