/mnt/sdcard/emulated/0/Music does not exist

that does not access the memory run the project and error occure
/mnt/sdcard/emulated/0/Music does not exist

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Yes, that path does not exist
Well, your blocks actually do not make much sense
What about elaborating, what you are trying to do?

A correct path would be



best extension for the read and write the files music player…

ok , as you say i set the above path (file:///storage/emulated/0/Music) but still it give same type of error as i mention earlier.

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unfortunately you forgot to provide a screenshot of your updated blocks

These blocks make no sense at all and will not work with Companion or the APK.

I sometimes wonder why I even post suggested solutions with blocks when they don’t even seem to get noticed. :upside_down_face:

This path does not exist.


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