Please support editing this apk file in the direction of less screen and view pdf offline

Please support editing this apk file in the direction of less screen and view pdf offline

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My project is as follows:
The screen consists of 23 screens
Screen 1 includes 2 buttons, Ads
Screen 2 includes List view and 1 back button
Screen 3 includes List view and 1 back button
Screen 4 to screen 23 includes webview and back button
On the webview is a pdf file downloaded from google drive
Please give the direction to shrink the screen less
Is there any way to upload pdf to pdfview like thunkable
Where can I save the PDF file?

I guess you got a warning when you made more then 10?

No .I guess you got a warning when you made more then 10?

If these are the same you only have to use 1 screen.

I guess you could have done this in 1 screen only. So i would start again and rethink before you make another screen.

Because I’m new and don’t know much about programming. Sample instructions please. thank you

Maybe you should start with something simpler then. What tutorials did you follow?

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Oh… There are 23 screens in one app​:astonished:

I’m still weak .please guide