HTTP response was too large: 33747317. The limit is: 33554432

I am getting this “HTTP response was too large: 33747317. The limit is 33554432.” when I want to export the apk, what should i do?

Where are you getting this error? A screenshot will be helpful.

It looks for me that your apk size is to large.

i am getting when on the i export my apk, file on the browser

There is a limit of 20MB per app

is there anyway to check the size of the app before exporting?

Maybe it is now 32MB.
But I know only the same like you said (20mb) @pavi2410

I have tried deleting some content from the app but the size does not change when I export the apk it still says the size was too large “33747317”

The last 4 digits in the image say 6714.

Make a copy of your app and delete a lot of stuff. Mostly assets as they are the ones that take a lot of space. And try exporting it. That way you’ll see if the error is due to the app’s size

i delete like 5 files and it worked. However now i will have to pull the content from a cloud storage and i wanted to make the app fully offline. Anyway thanks :slight_smile:

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offline!huh am i right! just make images size small (not that much)but i will help a lot if u do same process with each image

Where is the problem of decompiling the APK and reinserting the missing 5 files to make the app fully offline?


it will make app size bigger and it will be same problem then

No the problem is solved, but of course the APK gets a bit bigger - no problem at all.

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Please to me also :pensive::relieved::sob::cry::disappointed_relieved::pleading_face::pleading_face:

your question is unclear


I am making naths app that TAKING only 6 musics only why???

sorry, your question is still unclear and it does not look like you read How to ask a question?