Push notifications is not working

I have added a push notification component to my app and added oneignal app id but unfortunately my app is not subscribed to onesignal and tried a lot of ways to subscribe it to onesignal but non sense …

please advise
and thanks in advance

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Did you build the circuit? I don’t see it in your post :slightly_frowning_face:

What do you mean by the circuit?

what you have tried and what are your blocks, is it configured in firebase correctly? with right package name? and make sure you are checking notification in build apk, not in test

I also have this problem. Please solve it

Who says this is a Kodular bug? Maybe you did something wrong.

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20191001_144121.mp4 (4.4 MB)

Watch it don’t get app id

Try on Screen 1

App ID only works on Screen1, when you put, all others screen with push notifications will be linked.

Please share the steps and blicks to make push notifications works 100%

It’s already on screen 1 and I’ll share screenshots and blocks soon

Best regards,
Peter Ramsis Tawfeek