Error application does not open it closes when it starts.

Olá, estou com um problema, meu app funciona normalmente na tela de login sem erro algum, porém quando vai para a tela home ele fecha dando erro, isso ocoreu depois da nova atualização, ele dá erro e fecha.

Alguém já passou por esse problema ou conhece alguma solução.

O aplicativo é simples.


Translation added by Mod

Hello, I have a problem, my app works normally on the login screen without any errors, but when it goes to the home screen it closes giving an error, this happened after the new update, it gives an error and closes.

Has anyone had this problem or know of a solution.

The app is simple.


Welcome to community. Official language is English so next time please follow coomunity’s rules. Please provide more informations about your app, especially extensions used. With latest Kodular’s release using DeepHost’s SQL database, Mirxtrem’s Firebase authentication and storage extensions causes app to crash. If not you can always use logcat to find the problem

Welcome to the Community @aplicativosamaral

Please Share The Blocks Of your Home Screen to Identify errors. Also please show the list of extentions used

How to ask a question?

i think firebase component having some issue after the hotfix of kodular 1.5.4 . i have also faced such kind of issue in my apps.

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