Default splash screen

I made an app using kodular it open with register page then go to sign up and then after signd up it open home page where visitor can see their name foto and high score but after 3 update it has one more splash page which contain app name is seen
Now I did nt kept that page or screen i dnot know how to remove
It seen even if I unchecked splash enabled

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Is the splash screen seen in on screen initialized (most probably) if yes then send the blocks under the Screen initialized block

Ther isn’t any block for this screen in my app .I don’t know how this screen appears

Just post the blocks under screen initialize

Before this home screen open that splash appears
Is it from kodular ?

plz right click on the blocks and then click download as png

hmm record ur screen while opening app and show the error

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Ther is no error but I want to remove that screen i sent image in my 1 post .It’s not created by me i dnt know how it came to my app

Record ur screen and send the video

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It’s not video can’t send

Mp4 with 23 mb

@Manish_chonkar If you have uploaded that splash image or gif to assets then delete that check your assets ?

pm the aia

no gif n asset only png of my app