Default text of Label

I think it would be cool if there was a “Default Value” of a label to set it instantly to that instead of having to retype it through blocks.

EDIT: It seems that I haven’t formed my post correctly; I meant, that after changing the label text it can be reverted to default easily.

Isn’t it already available? The default value for Label is “Text for Label<id>


Its already an inbuilt feature that you may have not noticed …!

please see "yellow’ highlighted area from the below screenshot !

I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t form my post right.
I meant, that after changing the label text it can be reverted to default easily.

A block like “RevertToDefault” would be useful.

You see the idea is nice but we are talking about a change that will be useful only to a handful of kodular users. Not everyone changes their label text. And kodular investing their time and resources for such a small thing is maybe not right.

altough there’s a simple way you can use.
When your screen initialises store all the text of all the labels right away in a dictionary with the label name as the key and the text as value using a loop. Then create a procedure “RevertToDefault” and in that procedure add an input for the label’s text you want to revert back to. In the procedure find the value of the key (the input label) and set the label’s text to the value.


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