I’m trying to make my app detect whether it’s is first launch or not because of ads.
I’ve done this before, but I forgot and think there should be a topic about this (I searched and found nothing.)
Can anyone come up with something?
I’m trying to make my app detect whether it’s is first launch or not because of ads.
I’ve done this before, but I forgot and think there should be a topic about this (I searched and found nothing.)
Can anyone come up with something?
This is a question, not a guide.
When Screen1.Initialize
do if [ call Tiny_DB1.GetValue
tag = "firstlaunch"
value if Tag Not There = true ] // if tag not found then get true as default
then // firstlaunch = true
// set "firstlaunch" tag to false
else // firstlaunch = false
@pavi2410 Why did you post this?
My blocks are wrong, they don’t work. I need something as valid as blocks.
Think like those blocks don’t exist in my post and I’m requesting blocks on how to make my app detect a first launch.
Even if we offer a built-in block that detects first launch, we would use this method. However, by using blocks assembled by your own, you can detect N number of launches.
That is True
0 = first run? no
1= first run ? yes
There is a problem.
The value of the tag “first” here will always be “0” in the if checks.
change to blocks queue
first check and next change to 0
You can also use boolean values like this.
Edit: It doesn’t make sense to store value if the tag is there and has same value (false)
@pavi2410 So, will https://community.makeroid.io/t/detecting-first-launch-with-tiny-db/7340/12?u=turboprogramming (12) work?
Not to be rude @Yusuf_Deniz but, with your response, the Tag will not stay in the Datastore, however with a variable it will…
Umm, it will.
It actually should be the opposite.
That doesnt make sense then because, your device can’t hold a value with a tag that has a text block, it has to find a specific path to store that value, which is the variable.