Device ID not working

Continuing the discussion from Kodular Device id error:

I have made a app with sign in form which take Device ID by using the extension and give user one time loging system in my app. But after the launch of Kodular E version Device ID is not workig. plz prove me the solution for it.

Device ID component is working fine after 1.4.1 update. I’ve tested myself.
Retry and show blocks if problem persists.

I was using the extension for Device ID and I have also useded Kodular build in library component for Device iD but not working. ok i will show imges of blocks used

plz have a look at it

Use Device ID property instead of ID.

Device ID and ID are different ? plz can u show me the image of Devie ID and ID

You created this topic stating Device ID component.
And Device ID component is this: component_set_get

Use it and see if problem solves or not.

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Mark As Solution if problem solved.

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