Device's High Accuracy locating mode slowing down the location sensor

if the device’s locating mode is on high accuracy, than location sensors are working slowly.

step to reproduce:

  1. create the block like this


  1. set the device’s locating mode to high accuracy, this is taking time(even the googleMap.OnLocationChange got the value faster than the location-sensor

  2. Now set the device’s locating mode to Low Power Consumption . now if we look at the data location Sensor and googleMap.OnLocationChange got the value almost same time.

  3. now set the device’s locating mode to Device Only, now if we check again both are taking long(almost same time) to get the lat/lng value.

High Accuracy use GPS, WI-FI, Bluetooth, or Mobile Network to determine location.
Low Power Consumption use WI-FI, Bluetooth, or Mobile Network to determine location.
Device Only use GPS to determing location.

This is the GPS which is taking time to get the location. It can be possible that not all the devices are facing the same issue. It can possible that googleMap avoid GPS at 1st attempt to create approx location. After receiving approx location its pushing GPS to get more accurate location. But this is not the case with our location-sensor.


Hi @Deepak_Dalal,

This actually isn’t an issue with the location sensor component. The operating system handles location requests, not Kodular itself. No matter how many requests are made, the OS won’t go any faster.


:octopus: Nathan

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@hammerhai May be you are right, but please have a look again the video.

when i am using low power consumption, both the components(location sensor and googleMap.onLocationChange) are getting value faster. But this is not happening when i am using High accuracy, location sensor components is taking time.

This is the only reason I have to use google map. I will be graceful, If you can help with a workaround .

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Hi @Deepak_Dalal,

As I said previously, and I will continue going with my statement, the OS handles location requests. How Google Maps gets coordinates faster is unknown, but I’m 100% sure that the location sensor component uses the system APIs for getting the location based on GPS, cell service, or WiFi.


:octopus: Nathan