@discobot start advanced tutorial?

Two days ago, I received this:




Now that you’ve been promoted, it’s time to learn about some advanced features!

Reply to this message with @discobot start advanced tutorial to find out more about what you can do.

We invite you to keep getting involved – we enjoy having you around.


No matter how I tried replying with variations of " @discobot start advanced tutorial " , the result was the same: nothing.

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I too had issue starting advance tutorial but there is always magic, and I successfully completed it

Can you try PM’ing @KodeBot and ask it to do the same? Seems like DiscoBot has retired now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Perhaps someone should fix the “systembot” so that it sends the right name “KodeBot” then…

Can someone fix this?
If someone gets an invitation to follow the advanced tutorial, the least thing would be to send the right message.

==> @discobot start advanced tutorial DOES NOT WORK

==> @kodebot start advanced tutorial is the right one

Please don’t make a new topic for this. I merged them.

This needs to be a new topic because it needs to be seen by the staff. It is a BUG.
That is why it was no longer a request for support and it needed to be in the feedback category.

You already posted this in the feedback category so it is already read by the developers.

And for moving stuff around. As a mod i keep the forum as tidy as possible so this is one of the jobs that go with that. :wink:


Except that the latest title did not come along with the actual situation.

It’s fixed now.


If you think that is the case you can always change the title.

And as you can see from the response from one of the developers they read everything.

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