[Discontinued] Background Tasks [4.1] πŸ₯³

Ok I will PM you

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yes, I know that :star_struck:

but in order to learn by trying this…

Do you see anything wrong with it?

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You just have to wait :)

Its made from your aia
t_nader.apk (6.1 MB)

Super cool extension Xoma, love it!

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Can you post the .aia ? @sugarlesscreator

This your aia. t_nader.aia (502.8 KB)


How avoid limit firebase 100 user simultan…if user 1000 user simultan use background??

You have to find a way to check it.

Once you’ve done that, you can accordingly limit the usage by comparing values and doing things you want to do. You can use ExtraFunction block for comparing values and calling functions accordingly.

That is rule firebase if use firebase for free… 100 simultan …mybe you can give me example aia for handle that

You can go through the example project files given and uploaded to the topic since 3.0 of the extension.

I get a lot of messages every day, and I just can’t keep giving examples for everyone (honestly).

If you stuck anywhere, you can get help from here. :)

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Can anyone help me? How to do this in the background

It should be possible, why dont you try it?

If I want to store value in tiny db. How can I store it in form of a list?
Every time I get data I want to add item to tiny db list.

How can I make my phone vibrate in the background using the clock?
Please help me

Preparing a list is not possible.

Welcome to the community,

you could see some examples posted in this topic.

I’ve read the whole topic, not found about vibration.
Can you please give me an example?
I can’t make it work

Could you please show me what you have tried?

i am trying to create a vibrating app, i need the phone to vibrate in the background with the screen locked.
the vibration has to be controlled by another cell phone.
For example: I want the cell phone to vibrate 3 times and stop and then vibrate 5 more times and stop, this command coming from another cell phone.
the play store Vibrava - Vibrator & Vibrator Tool app β€œhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jgdevlabs.vibra&hl=pt_BR&gl=US” does look like what I want.

can you teach me to vibrate in the background? how much do you charge to help me?

Not preparing list, adding item to the list. We can use get value to get the list from tiny db. Can we use interpret code to add item to the list?