[Discontinued] Background Tasks [4.1] 🥳

not work this !!!
in redmi note 7 pro android 10

please help me

Thanks for attention.

This is great, A good Documentation will eliminate user problem and Question :slightly_smiling_face: I will wait for this…


thank you will do it afterwards and hope that it works, many. Thanks to.

I’v Tried , and app stop

Whats wrong ??,

Redmi devices have special permission to be granted, have you enabled the auto-start?

Can you try that with a simple notification and see if that works?

I’ve done and worked well in notification even done to connected to my mqtt server

You mean, the simple notification shows?

Yes, but without registered the event

In the blocks you posted I see, you are registering an event with the function Id named “notifcation” here, have you created that Id?

Should I registering notification also?

No, put your function which has the Id “show-notifcation” in the register event’s functionId parameter.

This is my complete block test,

Ok I will try to make new fuction on it and I will report back


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It does not worked, Am I wrong to register the function?

Second Try

Send me the APK or the AIA file.

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BackgroundData_copy.aia (803.8 KB)
Here you go

Have yoh enabled all he permission ?

Yes I 'did

hello I have implemented it but it still doesn’t work, I entered two identical values ​​as a test and unfortunately no notification is sent.

The notification works but if I let it run drikt over the clock then I get a notification every 5 seconds.

But the notification should be sent when two values ​​are the same.