[Discontinued] Background Tasks [4.1] 🥳

Is this is the correct time for asking about new update release date and time? @Xoma

i also think i need it really urgently because i created a battery manager and my users were waiting for updates

You are calling a function named Clock which doesn’t exist. Also, you are calling extra function id $rocess. Rename that to like “process”, it isn’t necessary to use “$” for that but for the registered event, you must use that.

It will be late :sweat_smile:

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okay, I’ll change it and write if it worked

unfortunately it still didn’t work? is there another mistake that I have corrected?


Did your notification won’t work ? If yes ,

Have a look at your small typing mistake which is you set “make extra function” block’s id is process and in event to call the function you have written $rocess.

is my query misspelled or why is it not working? @Xoma


Surround the number 0 with double quotes and remove the callfunction that calls “process” extra function

@Xoma unfortunately still does not work. maybe there is still a mistake?


Add a “p” letter here before $ :sweat_smile:

thank you will try it out

@Xoma unfortunately it still doesn’t work. I don’t understand why if the notification drikt without being asked about the clock, i get a notification every 5 seconds

@Xoma does the query have to be created in scrren1 or can I do it in every screen?


The value is constant and always true here, so it will always be executed.

Hello there,

I want to capture the exchange rates in the background. The user will enter a value and the system will send a notification when the exchange rate goes above this value. I guess there is no if block in your blocks to provide this. I will be glad if you consider my request. Also, the plugin works very well. Health to your hands. :slight_smile:

@Xoma but unfortunately it is not executed and no notification is received

@Xoma maybe something else is wrong, I can’t understand why it doesn’t work?

Hello Xoma, sorry for my English as a translator.
First of all I want to thank you for this incredible extension.
I also want to tell you that I was able to make your example of using the pedometer work with firebase, with the latest update. it’s great! But, I’m having trouble getting the location sensor to work, what is happening is that it only works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn’t.
I have read this topic cover to cover several times so as not to bother you, but I am not being able to pull it off.
I’ll leave you my blocks, see if you can help me, and tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Thank you so much!

Здравствуйте мало что понятно в описании о блоках. Дайте готовый рабочий пример. Спасибо.
Hello, little is clear in the description about blocks. Give a finished working example. Thanks.

hello, it could also be because it doesn’t work because I don’t see it in screen 1. I used to shut it off in another screen