[DISCONTINUED] Download an APK to App-Specific Directory (ASD) and install it without permissions

Any difference between both? :sweat_smile:

Yes, I changed the packageName (→ …InstallAPK.aix):

and see above:

So it is not an update, but a new version.

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I am noob
Will it ask for permission request install package

From what to what?

For me:
When we release new version , we update older one or we update when we release new version. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You may have to allow to “install unknown apps from this source”:


Yes, you’re actually right. But if I delete the old version and replace it with the new one, users may be confused because they assume that the new version updates the old one (which is not possible because of the new packageName).

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please add the apk size and download progress in a control block

like firebase storage upload feature

@bodymindpower How we will check if the download is completed or not?? So we could run a function like install apk after the download is complete

You can see when the download is finished at the top:


and you can also use these blocks:


moving msg from private msg to forum since thread has reopened .

if i do a simple thing like this

the url is a apk compiled url you get from kodular when you click export apk in kodular .
so you may need to create another to test as they expire

but this is the error i get

i have a galaxy s9 plus running android 10

Hi! I have an issue with this extension. When I try to use it I have the following error message:

Runtime error
Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/FileProvider;

I have the same issue running in Android 7, Android 8 and Android 9.

Thanks to who can help me.

Regards, Sebastián

Yes I know. In AI2 the method for installing the APK no longer works since AI2 started using the AndroidX libraries with the nb184 release. Kodular has not yet switched to AndroidX with the last release, but continues to use the (outdated) Support Library.

The same problem (error) also arises with PkgUtils extension. I’m still working on a solution …

Note: This extension should therefore only be used with Kodular for the time being.
(Btw, I didn’t publish the extension in AI2).

why this occurs??

@Umesh_Kahar I have now moved some posts (from our PMs) here.

please give solution… i cant install apk

Of course not, as I said check your list / List_View.Selection

The installation method works so good in Oneplus 6T (Android 10), but I will like an event for when download done.

Also, I think there is a bug in the “.CreateAppSpecificDirectory” method, because can’t find the directory, I think it could be solved putting “/storage/emulated/0” before this method, and the result could be: “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/package-name/files”

Great extension! I like it because you fixed the installation permission issues in Android 10.