[Discontinued] [Paid] PhonePe Payment Gateway Extension

[Paid] PhonePe Payment Gateway Extension

Payment gateway extension for Indian users.


:star: Special features:

  • Easy implementation.
  • In-app payment flow.

:green_square: Properties

You’ve to setup your own MerchantId & ApiKey.
Enable Sanbox if you want to launch test payment.

:purple_square: Create Payment

Use this block to create and launch a payment flow with provided payment details.
Enter amount in paise. Example: 1 INR is equal to 100.


:yellow_square: PaymentSuccess - It will triggered when payment is successful.


  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • originalTransactionId - Returns orginal transaction id of the payment.
  • orderId - Returns merchant provided oder id.
  • json - Returns payment information as json string.

:yellow_square: PaymentFailure - It will be triggered when payment is failed.


  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • orderId - Returns merchant provided oder id.
  • errorMessage - Returns the reason of error.

:yellow_square: PaymentCanceled - It will be triggered when payment is canceled by user.


  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • orderId - Returns merchant provided oder id.

:purple_square: Get Payment Status

Use this block to check status of any payment.


:yellow_square: GotPaymentStatus - It will be triggered when got provided payment status.


  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • originalTransactionId - Returns orginal transaction id of the payment.
  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • state - Returns the state of payment.
  • json - Returns payment information as json string.

:yellow_square: FailedToGetPaymentStatus - It will be triggered when failed to get payment status.


  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • errorMessage - Returns the reason of error.

:purple_square: Refund Payment

Use this block to make refund for provided payment.


:yellow_square: RefundSuccess - It will be triggered when payment is refunded.


  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • uniqueUserId - Returns merchant provided unique user id.
  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • originalTransactionId - Returns orginal transaction id of the payment.
  • json - Returns payment information as json string.

:yellow_square: RefundFailure - It will be triggered when failed to refund provided payment.


  • amount - Returns payment amount is paise.
  • uniqueUserId - Returns merchant provided unique user id.
  • merchantTransactionId - Returns merchant provided transaction id.
  • originalTransactionId - Returns orginal transaction id of the payment.
  • errorMessage - Returns the reason of error.

NOTE: PhonePe has discontinued their API services for mobile applications. So this extension will no longer work.

:spiral_notepad: Extension specifications:

:minidisc: Size: 45.3 KB
:android: Version: 1.0.0
:earth_americas: Released On: 03 January 2024 (GMT+06:00)
:credit_card: Payment methods: Direct Download | PayPal | Skrill | TransferWise (Wise) | Xoom | Airtm | Binance | Crypto | Pyypl | Card Payment | UPI (:india:) | JazzCash (:pakistan:) | Bkash (:bangladesh:)


Then it can be easily hacked.


I’m still working on it, I’ll launch server supported feature where credentials will be stored in server.


Very good work :sparkling_heart:


Can you do “Gcash” Payment Gateway extention?


I hope I can build any payment gateway extension, just need their proper documentation. Please share documentation link for GCash payment gateway.

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thats one of my problem i dont know how to find their documentation. could you please teach me?


just send me their official website link. I’ll try to find their documentation.

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Thank u so much

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I’ll take a look on their documentation, also try to build extension if possible by me.
You can join me on Telegram/WhatsApp, need test credentials for testing their api while coding.

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Thank you for helping me

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Jewel always help , he is a good and trusted Developer… Love you @JEWEL

Mr. do you have any update?

I want to buy, plz provide contact number

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Hello JEWEL!
Can you tell me the price of this extension?

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Please make workable UPI extension in which our personal UPI id should work. Currently it is very demanded and i need in any condition. Kindly please make jewel

Thank you,
Happy K​:blue_heart:ding

I have both, Phone Pay Payment Gateway and gatway extension and UPI Payment method