Do Kodular apps support on iPhone? to publish on App Store

I want to also publish my apps on the App Store for iPhone users. Do Kodular apps support iPhone? I already have published them on the play store but wanted to also publish on the App Store for more installs.

Nope.They don’t support it yet.But they are going to support very soon because app inventor are working on it.You can trak the devlopment progress and ask questions about here:

EDIT: also:

No, You can’t make iOS apps with Kodular.

You can try thunkable x. It allows you make app with blocks(drag and drop system) as android, ios and web app. But it is paid

no it isnt paid ya for pro it is paid.but it has some bugs

you can publish app using thunkable on ios and android

No it is paid.

Actually Thunkable X is free.

You only have to pay to make your projects private and to add certain components like Admob.

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Yes, in free version you cant download app with some components. But in paid you can use all components and you can test/download/publish easily

This is correct.

Now that App-inventor supports IOS is support planned for Kodular?


Hello @ChrisA,
Appinventor has released its companion for IOS, so you can test your appinventor apps in an IOS device, however, the compiler still doesn’t support building apps for IOS ( as an .IPA file, although it’s planned for this functionality to be released before the fall semester).
Appinventor’s code for IOS isn’t yet opensource, so kodular can’t use it yet to support apps to be exported / tested on an iOS device. Kodular would most likely start supporting it when Appinventor releases the IOS source, as well as when the IOS compiler is ready.


Thank you for the update Mohamed