Does anyone know what the problem is

I don’t know why, it runs perfectly on the companion, but it is packaged as an apk. This problem has been entangled for a few days. When I solved one, it changed to the same problem again but the content was almost the same.

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Please change your topic title to something that reflects the problem. And show more then just a image of an error. What are you developing, show blocks.

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Did you asked the permission…
To use location sensor you need to ask permission…

I have solicited but this problem still occurs

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Oohk… Add you blocks images here…

What I know of “permission name” only returns text after “android.permission.

secondly, search in the community for how to ask for multiple permissions

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only access fine location text?

I searched for a long time but I didn’t quite understand the meaning, so I asked for help. If you don’t believe me, I can let you see my search history.

Among them, I saw that there is an article with your message, and I saw that the block text you indicated the permission request with under you Some people commented that you are correct, so I use this method

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