does facebook ads work properly in kodular or not?, i mean is it working normally ads before. and what about bidding?
Hi, @hk_gular Next time search community before creating a new topic, there are already n no. of such topics…
See :
How to implement facebook bidding update in kodular - Discuss - Kodular Community
FB Audience ntwrk - We haven’t received a bid request - Discuss - Kodular Community
Facebook Audience Network bidding - Discuss - Kodular Community
How can I use facebook ad bidding? - Discuss - Kodular Community
Bidding in Facebook Ads Network - Discuss - Kodular Community
Does Kodular Fenix support facebook audience network bidding? - Discuss - Kodular Community
And I can’t say about the current status. I think @dora_paz can help you about the current status…
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